Luv it when you get jealous.;) any site out there that list the pro's and con's of the later model's Andy, and I don't mean Readers Wives/Boyfriends
How later is later mate, I think I would be trying to get to the JLR vehicles but past 2006 the tax jumps up to about £500 / year.

I slut it about over there quite a bit but no room for horse play generally
Works out at about $3 each

Took her for a little drive in the country and managed to get home without recovery! Tempting fate, I know but what the hell ;) Then came back, saw to the horses , took the dog out for a walk at snail pace. Then home and feet up waiting for the Golden Girl to complain tomorrow that she has to go somewhere two days in a row.:rolleyes:

Looking at an 07 3.6 weasel.

Nah, go for the one with the Jag petrol lump in. The government is starting a war on diesel and I don't imagine you do that many miles as you're retired. Probably a few miles in the outer lane at 47mph down to the garden centre and back. :)
After yesterdays debacle with "Buttercup's" oil change, I had to try tracing the fault of no oil pressure light on the dash. After a bit of a search on here I tried a trick courtesy of BB and took off the sender wire and put that to earth. The light should now illuminate when key put to position 2, this would prove the wiring and confirm a dodgy sender.
Except the light didn't show so that set me off on a search lasting half the bleedin day, dismantling half the dash on the way. :mad::(:mad:
The fault was eventually traced to a minute crack across the PCB and an intermittantly faulty bulb. Started at 10.00, finished at 18.30.:oops::oops::oops::oops:
All back together now and just for a change the gods have had enough of peeing about with me and the sender works as it should.:):D:):D

Oh and while I was faffing about I found 2 other bulbs that were duff, so a £45.00 order into Craddocks just made, well there were a few other bits I thought I'd get as I was in shopping mode (as you do)
Nah, go for the one with the Jag petrol lump in. The government is starting a war on diesel and I don't imagine you do that many miles as you're retired. Probably a few miles in the outer lane at 47mph down to the garden centre and back. :)
So it was you I was stuck behind the other day, on the road and in the garden centre! 10 minutes to get your purse out :mad: what are you going to do with all those half price bags of potting compost?:D

So it was you I was stuck behind the other day, on the road and in the garden centre! 10 minutes to get your purse out :mad: what are you going to do with all those half price bags of potting compost?:D

10 minutes to get my purse out? And the rest. The primary locks take 10 minutes on their own.

"I think the arnwser lyyes in the soil."
Booked an appointment for tomorrow to get the alloys made nice. Also got auto electrician out to look at intermittent front near -side EAS issue. Looks like it might be rear off-side tyre losing air that was issue. Never crossed my mind as I'm checking pressure every couple of days. However, despite putting air in yesterday, it was noticeably down tonight. Hopefully getting alloys done will sort both problems :)
Booked an appointment for tomorrow to get the alloys made nice. Also got auto electrician out to look at intermittent front near -side EAS issue. Looks like it might be rear off-side tyre losing air that was issue. Never crossed my mind as I'm checking pressure every couple of days. However, despite putting air in yesterday, it was noticeably down tonight. Hopefully getting alloys done will sort both problems :)
Possibility of a scabby rim!!:p
Drove her 600 miles to the south east of Germany over the last couple of days visiting customers on the way. Another customer tomorrow then off to the south of the Czech Republic.
Might even get to play in some snow, I've got to go see a mate up in the ski resort and they are expecting a bit this weekend!

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