After all the love Buttercup has decided she don't like the turbo, I had agreed to buy a surplus engine/box/t'box off a mate a couple of months ago so popped round to strip the turbo off it. After enough faffing about to give my back a problem the replacement was fitted and peeing oil out. :mad::mad::mad:
Fortunately @myfirstl322 might have found one for not much money so will now flex the money muscle yet again.
Sometimes you just have to take a deep breath and get on with it. We love them really.
After all the love Buttercup has decided she don't like the turbo, I had agreed to buy a surplus engine/box/t'box off a mate a couple of months ago so popped round to strip the turbo off it. After enough faffing about to give my back a problem the replacement was fitted and peeing oil out. :mad::mad::mad:
Fortunately @myfirstl322 might have found one for not much money so will now flex the money muscle yet again.
Sometimes you just have to take a deep breath and get on with it. We love them really.
I know a chap with a blown M51 lifted from a P38, I could ask if the turbo is available and going for a good price if it helps? It is in North Yorkshire though.
Towed a couple of tons worth of digger then dumper truck for the day. The doozel definitely feels it on the hills when fully loaded. Foot to the floor quite a lot!
Drove her back to work. Only 280 miles, but the new FIP has made a complete difference to the whole bus. Smoother take up of drive, less slipping from the T/C, quieter, just better in every way, even starts first turn, hot or cold. I should've got the FIP replaced 6 years ago. Best £1,300 I have ever spent.
F*ck me. You bought a brand spanking new one?
Nah, it is a refurb unit from a place in Scarborough, IIRC, it is the same place that refurb'd my fuel injectors a couple of years ago. I paid a man to replace it for me and unfortunately a lot went wrong. 13 hundred was the total price for the job, had him do a fluids and filters change at the same time. I can grab the invoice if you want the cost of the refub FIP.

[Edit: £450+VAT for the FIP]
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Probably jinxed myself :( I did clean her, not just the outside but the engine bay too. Just waiting now for her to complain. :rolleyes:
Probably jinxed myself :( I did clean her, not just the outside but the engine bay too. Just waiting now for her to complain. :rolleyes:
I never clean cars myself. I'm not at all superstitious about anything apart from that. Every major fault I've had on a car has happened very shortly after cleaning them so now I just get it valeted when it needs it. I will use a jet wash occasionally. It only seems to be when I clean them inside and out!
I never clean cars myself. I'm not at all superstitious about anything apart from that. Every major fault I've had on a car has happened very shortly after cleaning them so now I just get it valeted when it needs it. I will use a jet wash occasionally. It only seems to be when I clean them inside and out!
I once asked my Brother In Law if him and the chaps at the MOT and maintenance place he owned would give my old W126 Merc 500 SEL Saloon a good engine-bay clean with a steam wand and then a coat of sealant.
His answer was.... "I don't think we have anyone on the team brave or indeed foolish enough to do such a thing". :)
I did it the hard way. I hand cleaned all the plastic and paintwork , in the engine bay, that I could get to. However, I wasn't stupid 'enough' to try steam cleaning her. As if!
I never clean cars myself. I'm not at all superstitious about anything apart from that. Every major fault I've had on a car has happened very shortly after cleaning them so now I just get it valeted when it needs it. I will use a jet wash occasionally. It only seems to be when I clean them inside and out!

Don't use the jetwash on the inside!
New compressor just came, the one on the left, it was still under warranty, plus I have the broken one in the car, ordered 5 new AIRPAX - 67L120 for $3 each, so I can fix the one in the RR now

Glad to say that I'm back after a week away to Manchester covering over 1000 miles with no issues whatsoever, never missed a beat and I felt refreshed after the 5 hour plus journeys there and back. Can't believe I ever got rid of my old one thinking i could get a more comfy drive in anything else.
Glad to say that I'm back after a week away to Manchester covering over 1000 miles with no issues whatsoever, never missed a beat and I felt refreshed after the 5 hour plus journeys there and back. Can't believe I ever got rid of my old one thinking i could get a more comfy drive in anything else.
Dave, forgive my memory, did you get a S/C?

If so how's it faring? (apart from doing Manchester and back)

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