Jumped in put key in ignition and she gave me a thank you for her new cover. For a while she has been playing silly beggars with ignition barrel/ steering lock. Key in fiddle around , move steering wheel a bit, steering lock then decides to release. Then key out and back in before she would move to position 1. Today, I took the cover off, jumped in , expecting the usual faff, instead, key in steering lock released and straight round to start ignition. Not even a one off. She did it 4 times today. 🤷‍♀️
I didn't say anything about it in her hearing range though.
The L322 has heating elements in the black border at the bottom specifically for the wipers which are controlled by the same parameters as the heated mirrors- but that doesn't keep the wipers as toasty, ice free and flexible as moving them to the visible lower part of the screen, they (apparently) work better with the reduced snow load, and yes, I've got a heated screen too ;)

My P38A heated mirror has failed on tghe passenger (LHS). Yoiu never know how good it is until it stops working, especially given how frosty it has been recently.

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