A horrible situation and reminds people why we have our military. All it takes is one madman to potentially start WW3. I begin to wonder if Putin has had a terminal diagnosis and is trying to make history before he dies. As if he hasn't done enough to go down in infamy already.
They usually have a big show then though marching troops and tanks. Like the Koreans did with the cardboard cutouts. I’ve seen nothing like that in the build up. The last time Russia warned us one of our allies were nazis we didn’t listen and it bit is in the a**e. Twice
They usually have a big show then though marching troops and tanks. Like the Koreans did with the cardboard cutouts. I’ve seen nothing like that in the build up. The last time Russia warned us one of our allies were nazis we didn’t listen and it bit is in the a**e. Twice
Not seen the satellite photo's of the Russian troop convoys? When exactly were Germans out allies?
Not seen the satellite photo's of the Russian troop convoys? When exactly were Germans out allies?
No I’ve not but I mean televised parades more than spy satellites. I saw something little while back showed satellite images of snow that had melted to reveal quite an arsenal of military vehicles. Then they were gone just muddy tracks left. Germany must have been allied with us in some way before WW1 they fought with us in the American revolutions? Not that I believe Putin if they were really nazis surely they’d be taking the Crimean back rather than being invaded
No I’ve not but I mean televised parades more than spy satellites. I saw something little while back showed satellite images of snow that had melted to reveal quite an arsenal of military vehicles. Then they were gone just muddy tracks left. Germany must have been allied with us in some way before WW1 they fought with us in the American revolutions? Not that I believe Putin if they were really nazis surely they’d be taking the Crimean back rather than being invaded
The thing about Ukraine and Nazism has just enough truth to make it a believable pretext for the current nonsense if you don't subject it to any real scrutiny.

Lots of Ukrainians voluntarily joined the SS during WW2, and they still have marches to celebrate those that did in some Ukrainian towns and cities, but they do so because the Nazis fought the Soviets, and the Soviets are the worst people many Ukrainians can think of. The Soviets killed more Soviet citizens than the Nazis did, so some might think that's a reasonable position, even if it results in a behaviour we find strange / appalling. A little like we were friendly with the Soviets for a while because they were killing Nazis, and Nazis were the worst people we could think of.

None of which justifies the war crimes Russia is perpetrating, but it's always good to know as much as we can IMHO.
The thing about Ukraine and Nazism has just enough truth to make it a believable pretext for the current nonsense if you don't subject it to any real scrutiny.

Lots of Ukrainians voluntarily joined the SS during WW2, and they still have marches to celebrate those that did in some Ukrainian towns and cities, but they do so because the Nazis fought the Soviets, and the Soviets are the worst people many Ukrainians can think of. The Soviets killed more Soviet citizens than the Nazis did, so some might think that's a reasonable position, even if it results in a behaviour we find strange / appalling. A little like we were friendly with the Soviets for a while because they were killing Nazis, and Nazis were the worst people we could think of.

None of which justifies the war crimes Russia is perpetrating, but it's always good to know as much as we can IMHO.

My father was friends with 2 prisoners of war during WW2 but I cannot recall if they were from Ukraine or Romania. After the war Big Nick stayed and I think became keeper for Man City. Little Nick went back and was never heard from again. Think the Soviets threw him in the gulag along with the Jews they found.
The thing about Ukraine and Nazism has just enough truth to make it a believable pretext for the current nonsense if you don't subject it to any real scrutiny.

Lots of Ukrainians voluntarily joined the SS during WW2, and they still have marches to celebrate those that did in some Ukrainian towns and cities, but they do so because the Nazis fought the Soviets, and the Soviets are the worst people many Ukrainians can think of. The Soviets killed more Soviet citizens than the Nazis did, so some might think that's a reasonable position, even if it results in a behaviour we find strange / appalling. A little like we were friendly with the Soviets for a while because they were killing Nazis, and Nazis were the worst people we could think of.

None of which justifies the war crimes Russia is perpetrating, but it's always good to know as much as we can IMHO.
Both paranoid megalomaniacs.
Putin seems to have totally lost the plot. He was a shrewd and effective political operator who, even if you disliked or disagreed with him, I think one had to respect. Now he's acting irrationally and in a way that may very well return Russia to the early 90s: a largely irrelevant power internationally which was struggling to build a functional economy. In a sense it's sad for Russia, and I feel for the Russian people. But I feel for the Ukrainians more.
Putin seems to have totally lost the plot. He was a shrewd and effective political operator who, even if you disliked or disagreed with him, I think one had to respect. Now he's acting irrationally and in a way that may very well return Russia to the early 90s: a largely irrelevant power internationally which was struggling to build a functional economy. In a sense it's sad for Russia, and I feel for the Russian people. But I feel for the Ukrainians more.
I used to have some sympathy for Putin, the Yanks via NATO have been needling him for some time, but invading Ukraine is a step too far. The trouble is, he is not capable of backing down, to do so would be the end of him, so he is now desperate and desperate men do desperate things. There is a very good chance he will hit the nuclear button, then we are all toast.
I used to have some sympathy for Putin, the Yanks via NATO have been needling him for some time, but invading Ukraine is a step too far. The trouble is, he is not capable of backing down, to do so would be the end of him, so he is now desperate and desperate men do desperate things. There is a very good chance he will hit the nuclear button, then we are all toast.
I totally agree, I had some sympathy and (much as I thought it very wrong to say it, as Biden did) didn't disagree with the view that if Russia went into only the Donbas and Luhansk (which had been occupied by Russian soldiers pretending to be locals since 2014) a military response from NATO would have been unwarranted.

Given the Russians are now firing unguided rocket barrages at cities, I think the sooner the rest of the world intervenes the better. Putin has only pushed as hard as he has because he thinks we're too weak to respond, and he needs to be disillusioned of that impression quickly and firmly.
I totally agree, I had some sympathy and (much as I thought it very wrong to say it, as Biden did) didn't disagree with the view that if Russia went into only the Donbas and Luhansk (which had been occupied by Russian soldiers pretending to be locals since 2014) a military response from NATO would have been unwarranted.

Given the Russians are now firing unguided rocket barrages at cities, I think the sooner the rest of the world intervenes the better. Putin has only pushed as hard as he has because he thinks we're too weak to respond, and he needs to be disillusioned of that impression quickly and firmly.
Any military response from the west will result in a nuclear holocaust, Putin has nothing to lose, he's supposedly a sick man.
The only way I see this being stopped is by internal action from the Russians themselves as the sanctions really start bite.
Any military response from the west will result in a nuclear holocaust, Putin has nothing to lose, he's supposedly a sick man.
The only way I see this being stopped is by internal action from the Russians themselves as the sanctions really start bite.
Personally, I doubt that soldiers on either side would genuinely carry out the order to start a nuclear war. The order has been given, and ignored, before.
Nothing to the Range Rover today but surprised myself,managed to break the usb ports on the old laptop that I use with the Nanocom and EAS suite so bought another identical model online, arrived today and replaced the hard drive and memory boards and it's back up and running with no loss of data:D it seemed obvious that was the way forward but I'm not putor savy so it's a victory for thought I better get it sorted before I needed it.:D:D
Nothing to the Range Rover today but surprised myself,managed to break the usb ports on the old laptop that I use with the Nanocom and EAS suite so bought another identical model online, arrived today and replaced the hard drive and memory boards and it's back up and running with no loss of data:D it seemed obvious that was the way forward but I'm not putor savy so it's a victory for thought I better get it sorted before I needed it.:D:D
Sounds like you're pretty computer savvy today at least!

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