Transfix ups the viscosity of the ATF which in turn ups the line pressure to help with worn clutches, however as it says on the can it won't fix a totally worn out box..
Nothing will it tends to play havoc with the solenoids. ;)

If you want to help prolong the life try Dextron 6 which is the fully synthetic replacement for Dex II and III :)
Yes I know about Lukas. I didn't think Dex 6 was compatible with the HP22e?
Been up to Manchester this weekend to see friends we ain't seen in ages ( Pre Covid times ) B.C !!! LOL, terrible drive both ways weather wise and traffic was bad but i did see loads of fellow L405's and what made me smile was i spotted 5 P38's this weekend up and down the M6 corridor and one was towing a huge caravan today back down towards Brum area. All under their own steam too and not one was parked on the shoulder with hazards on too.

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