Trying out my new pressure washer. It scrubs up pretty well, not perfect by a long shot mind.

It did get a bit dirty the other day flinging mud everywhere.
Another issue with the Hp22 is wear on the stator shaft this explains the common problem with the trans losing forward movement during an emission test with Diesel P38s they rev the engine to redline during the test. if the stator shaft and sealing rings are worn, running the engine at above 2,000 rpm in Park or in Neutral lets the converter oil partially apply forward clutch which is the A clutch drum, instantly destroying it. The quick thinkers at ZF fitted hardened shafts to the HP24.. :)
I have an HP24, just don't fancy the job of fitting it:(
I have a shallow pit but having dropped the gearbox, I'm not sure how I would get it out from under the car. I'll have to bite the bullet and do one day.
Might be better to do it on the ground with her on axle stands, you can get some good height..

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