Apparently mate they always are. NOT. LOL
In her mind,we never argued I tried to put my side of the discussion it took me half an hour to type my reply, I was recovering from my first stroke at the time. What followed was a PM gloating about my disability saying she was glad it took me so long and she wouldn't be bothered to read it so I wasted my time. That was back in 2017 which was when I blocked her. The public face is very different to the nasty piece of work that hides behind private messages. Then again what do you expect from someone who was supposedly ex military police, we know how universally liked the Cherry Berets are.:rolleyes:;)
Ahhhhh, so she was an " Ex Monkey " then. That explains everything. They all think they are real coppers even in their after service lives. LOL. Hitler youth followers mostly because they bloody well used to act like that when serving. I wonder if she was the same one we had posted out to Bulford as there was a big " Monkey " detachment there. LMAO. She could have been part of " The Gestapo " aka - S.I.B. Bless her cotton socks.
Ahhhhh, so she was an " Ex Monkey " then. That explains everything. They all think they are real coppers even in their after service lives. LOL. Hitler youth followers mostly because they bloody well used to act like that when serving. I wonder if she was the same one we had posted out to Bulford as there was a big " Monkey " detachment there. LMAO. She could have been part of " The Gestapo " aka - S.I.B. Bless her cotton socks.
SIB, couldn't find their cocks if they were half way through a pi$$. Tried to stitch my lad up when he was doing his second or third tour in Ireland.A prick with ears got on the phone to me, didn't like it when he announced himself as Sergeant rrrs wipe ,I said you mean substantive corporal, Acting sergeant. I got on the other phone to my solicitor and asked him if he knew a solicitor who specialised in military law who could fly out to Ireland immediately. Lot of back peddling later they caught the real culprit,a civilian who worked for the NAFFI. Shower of cants.:mad::mad:
Just learned that the replacement tank, a after market Disco 1, has the fuel gauge of sync ever so slightly. Reserve means "fill up now, like right now because you run on fumes" instead of "you should be fine for another 15 or 20 km". And now I am waiting, on a not even parking lot next to an expressway, for my better half to get out from work, pick up the cherry can, fill it up and come pick me up. Did I mention it was on the way to the dentists with the kids? Ah, the pleasure!
Viewed a nice Softdash RRC that a chap was interested in part ex'ing with my Daimler..

It was beautiful car, no head or leg room though, anyone got a hacksaw?

Could do with losing some length in certain areas. :mad::D
That's not what your missus said the other night mate. LOL
Viewed a nice Softdash RRC that a chap was interested in part ex'ing with my Daimler..

It was beautiful car, no head or leg room though, anyone got a hacksaw?

Could do with losing some length in certain areas. :mad::D
Keep the Daimler a bit longer. Do the soft dash come with sunroof? ;)
Ahhhhh, so she was an " Ex Monkey " then. That explains everything. They all think they are real coppers even in their after service lives. LOL. Hitler youth followers mostly because they bloody well used to act like that when serving. I wonder if she was the same one we had posted out to Bulford as there was a big " Monkey " detachment there. LMAO. She could have been part of " The Gestapo " aka - S.I.B. Bless her cotton socks.
IIRC, she is a retired officer, memory is LE Major, but I forget. A long time since she blocked me for griping about how sit the army is these days.

Is odd, never thought Goldie was so bad, but what Alan has said, it seems I only every got the public face.
IIRC, she is a retired officer, memory is LE Major, but I forget. A long time since she blocked me for griping about how sit the army is these days.

Is odd, never thought Goldie was so bad, but what Alan has said, it seems I only every got the public face.
F in hell a Monkey Rupert can things get any worse.:eek::rolleyes:

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