Took all the plastics off from the bottom of the screen to try and see where water is getting in to the footwell.. drains seem clear!! :(
Pull the carpet back where it’s wet and let it dry a bit. Then run a hosepipe over where you’ve stripped off you’ll tell If anything is coming through
Range Rover Owners to their Mechanics. :D

I can see a naughty step coming here, but hey don’t worry you will be in a club of many:D. SHE gives the naughty step out pretty often:).

I didn't know it was a " she " buddy. No F**king woman gives me **** that's for certain. LOL. They have tried and failed always in my time. We used to have this lass in the Army who was a real miss Hitler bossy sort and thought she could take the upper hand all the time. She was built like a brick **** house though and looked rather odd if you get my meaning. LOL. But hey " there's nowt as queer as folk " as we used to say. Thank god she was an attached arm too. She didn't last long in the regiment either. I think she was packed off to Bulford area in the end. LOL.
You get the regimented vibe from her too eh? She’s a sweetheart really but does lust for blood on occasion. I adore her , Data and Alan not so much ;) She has been here a very long time, seen it all and still got the Landy.
We’ve been at each other’s throats more than once or twice. all said and done we get along fine. No mods no intervention or reporting just duel through to conclusion? Bit like when Wammers and Data would go at it for a week. Leave them to it always worked out :)
(Except that last time obviously :rolleyes:)
Can’t see any reason for arguing. She is right :D
In her mind,we never argued I tried to put my side of the discussion it took me half an hour to type my reply, I was recovering from my first stroke at the time. What followed was a PM gloating about my disability saying she was glad it took me so long and she wouldn't be bothered to read it so I wasted my time. That was back in 2017 which was when I blocked her. The public face is very different to the nasty piece of work that hides behind private messages. Then again what do you expect from someone who was supposedly ex military police, we know how universally liked the Cherry Berets are.:rolleyes:;)

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