Sorry no pics yet but will add some tomorrow.
It passed its mot today with only 2 tyres as an advisory which is nice,
Giving her a service tomorrow and maybe a good valet inside as it stinks of dog

But how much did you buy it for?...the £500 you said? you wanted to pay that for it and sell for 3 grand...
well apparently it wasn’t worth £500 or maybe I should of been paid £500 to take it away. I wanted a serious answer so as to offer what it was worth, as it happens the owner wasn’t interested in what it was worth, just wanted to get rid, so I bought it at the asking price.
With a Range Rover you can buy them for market value and then fix all the problems or buy one dirt cheap and then fix all the same problems.
I think a lot get sold on because of known major faults that get hidden just long enough to pass rhem on to some love struck new owner
That’s very true, and even the little problems can become expensive to fix and many are left, then a new owner comes along and fixes the issues and being a land Rover a few more issues arise and so carries on the ownership cycle
Honestly don’t know what to do, it drives so nice and goes like a rocket, I’m in 2 minds which to sell, td6 or SC, both worth around 4K I reckon, SC bodywork isn’t as good as the td6 but nothing that a few hundred quid won’t fix.
Not a bad dilemma to have cus I’m making a great profit either way. Feeling pretty lucky about it to be fair
Well I can save you from the worry and stress of such a decision...
I'll give your £500 back thus taking all the pain and headache from you, knowing that I can survive the pressure by taking the burden and being rewarded because I selflessly helped you out! :cool::p
That’s why I love this forum and couldn’t run a Land Rover without it, people are so happy to help out a fellow member with no thought to there own sanity
Pics make it look better than it is but it cleaned up ok, been quoted £250 to sort out the wheel arch and also sort the drivers door as the laquer has peeled, needs a tailgate as that’s rusty and it would benefit from a rear bumper as it’s cracked


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I'm just amazed.

The 2006 one I maintain for an aquaintance has 110k on it, but scruffier inside, old style dash and just as many body issues, well maybe a tad less rust....and no peeling.

He paid 18 months ago...............£10.5k.:eek:

He was well mugged.
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Well it’s still got nearly 300k on the clock though but very very lucky to have been offered it, funny thing is I nearly didn’t answer the phone because he’s a work contact and it was my day off, he said if I hadn’t answered his next call was to an auction to come and pick it up,
Services it today and all looked good, going to do a gearbox flush next, anyone know if it’s the same oil that the td6 box uses? I’ve got around 12 litres of that still, need to source a filter as well