Not edited the first post for a while. Zip, when is our next trip was it the first weekend in February?
At least I didn't take one of the flames :p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:hysterically_laughi:

I'll let Neil tell that story :eek::D:D:D


sue went reet quiet. (turns out she'd run outa fags, but that's another story...)

anyway, while sues reet quiet, I took the opportunity to snap a caliper bolt in the swivel housing, which necessitated stripping it down to drill out and re tap the thread, as the ****ty little bit of a #### of bolt end refused to come out. (done on motor, but needed stub out of way as tap wrench fouled stub)

so, this kept me warm.

sue, on the other hand, wasn't doing owt apart from sulking, as
A) I'd trashed her motor.
B) she had no fags.
and as such, was cold.

now, for those that know, there is a nice big drip feed waste oil burner in the shop.
this was burning nicely, red hot at the bottom, grumbling gently as it sucked the air in, a steady stream of drips going thru into the burner pan.

now I don't know what she did, as once this things running, it normally keeps going. (ok, it can be a #### to start, but that was 4 hours back), but the next thing I know is sue's shouting me in a rather concerned voice.


"what" I shouts.

"there's a fire" she sez

"where" sez I

"on the floor" sez sue.

I go to look.

ferk me, the drip feed's only flooded itself, until its spilling boiling oil into the drip tray underneath, that usually only used for lighting disasters.

thing is, this boiling oil is on fire.
and the drip tray's a plastic 5 gallon drum cut in half.

"well turn the firkin oil off then!" shouts I.

30 seconds of deliberation, and I decide to shift the drip tray before it melts completely, dousing it in the doorway with a hosepipe.

the burner pan burns it excess oil off, rob gives sue half a packet of fags, everything returns to normal, albeit in a bit of a smoke filled shop.

and I need a new drip tray. a metal one.

that's all. nowt really exiting.

Well I suppose I had to get blamed, its usually Zip but he wasn't there :D:D:D
you could have told the story :rolleyes:;)

OK, my side of the story.

I went to the workshop to check my wheel bearing and put the nice yellow shockers on it.

Everything went well with the back wheels :D and the shockers :D so I finished early.

Neil was doing the front and was a little slow, so I had nothing to do.

I was standing by the oil burner as it was a little cold. I have never, ever, touched it, its a bit scary to be honest.

I was suffering withdrawal symptoms and cold when suddenly I noticed it was getting warmer :D:D

When I turned round there were flames all over the floor :eek::eek:

So I did the sensible thing and shouted for Neil. Who picked up the plastic burning drip tray and walked down the workshop. However it completely melted before the door and melted his glove to his finger. At this point he decided to extinguish it with the hosepipe.

I am innocent :D:D:D:D:D:D

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