Down at the workshop Diff is replacing wheel bearings

Yep! The other end of that scaffold tube has a rather large socket and wrench attached. The stake nut on D2 hubs is scarily tight! 360 lb/ft !! according to t'manual.
Posted a thread in the Disco section about the stake nut. not received a satisfactory answer as to the necessity of such an unearthly amount of torque.
Thats not too bad try doing an 8 wheeler truck,the wheel nuts 10 on each wheel are torqued to 475 lb/ft some of the hub nuts are torqued to 1500lb/ft.
Down at the workshop doing my wheel bearings and shockers. A bolt has just snapped on the brakes so it could be a late night
Oh dear not good,was it a caliper retaining bolt or something a bit less meaningful.
Errr I think it's the bolt which goes into the swivel. But not sure exactly. Got the nice yellow dockers on though. Thanks 200 :D
why is it that when ya make a cheese an onion sarnie for a quick snack, you know you should've made 2 in the first place:confused:
What are you doing to yours Neil just patching or replacing the sills.
intention is to replace with box section.
offside has little left of the body mounts and rather than faff around was just gonna cut it off and replace with box, then do the nearside.

of course, intentions go tits up and it might end up getting patched.
all depends what comes in work wise, i know it needs doing, and the use of zips disco while doing it was a chance not to miss.

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