PMSL I've just been called "loathsome, hateful, horrible, insufferable, intolerable, detestable, unbearable, abhorrent, abominable, despicable, repugnant, repellent, offensive, unpleasant" no doubt all true :D but in this case uncalled for. Just because I wouldn't share the coast to coast route on facebook :D:D:D:D

Was that from rejection, asking for a date? Is funny
Just been reading the comments on faceache and I'm lost for words. I think that "person" needs to spit out the dictionary he has just eaten and pick his toys back up that he has thrown out of the pram. What a cock.

I think Sue, Andy and Neil have put him in his place though

Thanks :D:D I thought you might like him cause he can spell :p:p:p

I hope you didn't follow my urban dictionary link though :eek::eek:

Start 8.30am Car Park opposite the Royalty Pub, Otley Chevin.

1. GDhaydock / Suew

2. Philelvey

3. AndyD90

4. . 200

5. Dangerous Bri from work

6. Lowey
do I say its for Daryl ?

Well shaming you hadn't worked. I have will have to go back to winding Daryl up on my own :violin:

Good thing too, John has just called Sarah and me sweet :D. Wonder how many beers it took before he came to that conclusion :D
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Well shaming you hadn't worked. I have will have to go back to winding Daryl up on my own :violin:

Good thing too, John has just called Sarah and me sweet :D. Wonder how many beers it took before he came to that conclusion :D

loads :hysterically_laughi
Lakes trip, end of may I need the date for this one so I can try and find some accommodation as someone has stolen the rooms where I stopped before :violent:
Lakes trip, end of may I need the date for this one so I can try and find some accommodation as someone has stolen the rooms where I stopped before :violent:

I told you I'm innocent, it was Zip :):):)

There is another thread for this John I think its 31st May -1st June but check

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