Right, this is full now. One group only, although it might split into two on certain lanes

1. GDhaydock / Suew

2. Philelvey

3. Difflock

4. . 200

5. Dangerous Bri from work

6. Lowey
PMSL only just got seen this, you two must have boring lives.

You have missed the important information completely. I was leading a group. Now I"m leading the whole trip,

Thanks for tonight Neil. Lou is happy to get the car back and I'm happy she isn't using mine, particularly in my insurance
So is Zip's Disco poorly or do you just want the company Sue.:)

It needs some radius arm bushes which won't happen before the weekend (especially as I haven't ordered them yet...)

I will be taking the opportunity to sit in the passenger seat and heckle
267 miles is nearly 6 hours at a constant 50mph, I don't think we've even achieved 50mph on the road sections before (excluding the mad toilet dash down the M6 the other weekend)

:eek: well I had been asking for almost 2 hours but didn't know my CB wasn't working! I just thought everyone was ignoring me....:(:p:rolleyes:

Wish I had put my name down for Saturday but have a great time everyone:D
So who is Dominic sounds like a freelander driver:D:D

Correct :D:D A Freelander would suit him well. He works for me.

so theres you, a gate bitch called dominic, and the zipmeister riding shotgun, who's not having a seat to sit on :confused::D

Dominic isn't coming on the trip on Saturday, he's far too busy with Eurovision Parties :eek::hysterically_laughi:hysterically_laughi

But he was reading your comments on my phone at lunchtime. He is coming on a future trip as gate bitch (he hasn't seen the photos yet though)

And he will need plenty of time to sort out a suitable outfit :D:D
Correct :D:D A Freelander would suit him well. He works for me.

Dominic isn't coming on the trip on Saturday, he's far too busy with Eurovision Parties :eek::hysterically_laughi:hysterically_laughi

But he was reading your comments on my phone at lunchtime. He is coming on a future trip as gate bitch (he hasn't seen the photos yet though)

And he will need plenty of time to sort out a suitable outfit :D:D

Sounds like a very nice chap:D
Right, this is full now. One group only, although it might split into two on certain lanes

1. GDhaydock / Suew

2. Philelvey

3. Difflock

4. . 200

5. Dangerous Bri from work

6. Lowey

Back in the motherland now. One group suits me - looking forward to Saturday! (gee there's some black clouds in the forecast - may make the fords interesting!)
PMSL I've just been called "loathsome, hateful, horrible, insufferable, intolerable, detestable, unbearable, abhorrent, abominable, despicable, repugnant, repellent, offensive, unpleasant" no doubt all true :D but in this case uncalled for. Just because I wouldn't share the coast to coast route on facebook :D:D:D:D

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