
Phil on Belford
Another great day folks thanks again:)Hope I didn't spoil things with my few minor repairs....will keep me busy a while now crawling round underneath her....again :)
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Another great day folks thanks again:)Hope I didn't spoil things with my few minor repairs....will keep me busy a while now crawling round underneath her....again :)

Glad you enjoyed it, as for the repairs it all adds to the fun as long as we can keep each other going.:D
Glad you enjoyed it, as for the repairs it all adds to the fun as long as we can keep each other going.:D

That's good to hear :D feel quite proud after some of the routes I drove yesterday (Belford and up cam steps)not without a little much needed knowledge and guidance....everybody starts somewhere:rolleyes:
Hopefully I won't be green for too long in such company....
Was nice to see you again :D:D

I don't where to start talking about yesterday, I'm still exhausted :D

Leading the trip was very very hard work, even with Zip in the passenger seat to help and be gate bitch :D. I don't think I appreciated the work involved before. You have to drive, navigate, keep the group together, work out where to drive on the difficult bits, open gates and remember to do gate descriptions. I usually just follow Zip :eek:

So a belated thanks to Zip, Andy, Neil and anyone else who has led a trip I have been on.

Belford was dreadful, I thought it was bad before, but nothing like yesterday. When I came round the corner from the ford and saw it :eek::eek::eek::eek: I had already suggested to Zip that Andy should lead up it, but got told if I was leading I couldn't chicken out of the bad bits :confused:. When I saw it I expected Zip would suggest backing out, he didn't :eek:

Then we had a slight error in communication :eek: Zip got out to video and left instructions. I misunderstood and instead of just putting a wheel up onto the high bit to test it, I drove straight in :eek::eek::eek::eek::D:D

I got stuck, although by Neils classification I'm not sure it counts as I didn't need a tow to get out. It was tipped so far the passenger wheels were just about off the ground and both spinning. Anyway I got out with only a few minor scratches from the rocks on the banking and a bent indicator where I grabbed it to stop falling out of the window :D Unfortunately Phil followed me and was more unlucky :(

Well done to the others for getting up it without drama :D:D:D:D

The rest of the trip went without incidents and only a minor breakdown :D

Was lovely to see everyone again, cant wait for the next trip :D

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