Im only on page 7 so far, what a fantastic restoration and very well documented. Thank you very much for sharing your experiance and doing it so damn well. :)
thanks all , for reading this far, will be more posts this next week as im hoping to get the wiring finished and fire it up
thanks all , for reading this far, will be more posts this next week as im hoping to get the wiring finished and fire it up

90tc,have you ever thought of documenting this restoration into a book,then trying to get it have done this in such a thorough and proffesional manner.i am sure there would be loads of interest in it.:):)
s'funny , only last night did we say iv got more clearer pics than haynes manwells ! tbh mate, i wouldnt kno where to start with it, do yer think there would be any interest ?
s'funny , only last night did we say iv got more clearer pics than haynes manwells ! tbh mate, i wouldnt kno where to start with it, do yer think there would be any interest ?

yes i think there would be massive interest tbh.look at all the positive comments you have had on for getting it published etc i'm sure there will be someone on here who could help or point you in the right direction.go for it,i would if it was me.:D;)
would be interested in lookin in to it if any one has and experence in publishing :)

it was frosts engine enamel ,
fook me int this finished yet ?

Nah , yer can't rush a good job now can yer , iv finished a few other projects off inbertween tho , been quite busy with work and the like , but as iv said before it was never intended to be done over night
It was a nice on and off project at me leisure as time allowed , more to the point sean , how's urs lookin ?
more to the point sean , how's urs lookin ?

if ya mean the one I started on here a while ago

ermmm .... it's been left outside over an Orkney winter, so it's now looking sad, neglected and very much unloved .... am thinking of turfing over it to create some kinda dune/windbreak thing

tractors are much more fun these days
if ya mean the one I started on here a while ago

ermmm .... it's been left outside over an Orkney winter, so it's now looking sad, neglected and very much unloved .... am thinking of turfing over it to create some kinda dune/windbreak thing

tractors are much more fun these days

shame, was lookin quite good too, :rolleyes:

quite like me tractors, fer somethin different i bort this last week :)

I love this thread. Especially the engine rebuild. Im hoping to do the same thing to mine when I get it home. Looking forward to seeing it finished. Keep up the good work :D

Matt :)
well , finaly had time to fit the fool tank, its been sprayed and sat in the workshop for two months, gathering dust,

firstly made a blanking plate for the diesel return pipe as its a petrol engine, ( the tank was one i had been saving for a special ocasion , yer kno the kinda stuff) fitted the petrol pick up and float / sender , mounted to the galv chassis with stainless nuts and bolts,


then made a lovely filler cap out of a dish cloth :)

looks like a rolling petrol bomb now :rolleyes:
then i made up some fool pipes out of 8mm copper and brass compression joints,

first i went and got a set of plastic pipes and connectors, it kinda spoiled a good job so they have been thrown on a shelf for another project ,

these are far better i thort


down under the chassis and gearbox crossmember

up to the fool feed to the mechanical pump,


out the other side up to the head just behind the pump and bypass hose,


then out the other side and up to the carb


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