That looks absolutely fantastic! What kind of figures (hp/Nm) do you think it might get? Doing to dyno it and find out?

One question though, haven't figured out what these are for? (highlighted)


So uh... where do they go to? :eek:

they will be going to supercharger bypass unload s/c when engine on vacum..saves mpg..(as engine is on vac 90% of its life)
Looking good mate, got a question re wirring the gems, I have been looking at the wiring diagrams after you spoke to me about fitting it on my 4.0 instead of ms , how did you get or plan to get around the gems ecu pin 26 on the 36 pin red connector for becm engine imobilize input, as you said all other connections are just lives, earths and relays.
it appears that it is inactive unless alarm is it should be fine..i hope..

if not then opening of gems ecu and some rewiring of ecu will be nessary..
anyway..was sicky poos today...not atall well...but got rather bored so made the gear selector...why oh why do lr make the classic zf selector so you have to pull rather than push the button down!??

IGNORE the drill bit..that will become a roll pin..IGNORE the kiddy scooter grip...prober;y become a snooker ball..bolt will be cap head... it needs tidying..and a shround made to cover base..but i decided to throw up so stopped work..

it will proberly become shorter , but much easier to shorten than lenghten, so made it taller than i expect it will be...
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With so many IGNORES it's hard to visualise finished item but yes I'm liking this in principle, nice touch :)
this 3 third pic down..that operates by push button (so to speak), but as lr decided to operate by pull button (you get the idea) the pivot point has to be behind gear lever..
getting there..i thinks i need to trim down trigger,make shorter and narrower..

shroud will go crinkle black paint..i thinks rest black poweder coat, though maybe chromed..
Wow! Looks like it should be on some old bit of machinery. Looks good though! :D

What does it like like in the car? Infact, whats it like to use?
Liking that brother!

And that's based on a stock shifter unit?!

The trigger looks ok to me but main thing is it needs to feel right, ie, be the perfect length for correct operation. If something looks like it works right it always looks right :)
in to make similar shroud for hi low and paint/chrome (dont no yet)

will be trining down "trigger" and hi low will also have snooker ball knob..and of course bolt will be sorted..

Liking that brother!

And that's based on a stock shifter unit?!

The trigger looks ok to me but main thing is it needs to feel right, ie, be the perfect length for correct operation. If something looks like it works right it always looks right :)

yes stock..
aquired p38 trans cooler today...mounting it..hmmmm..thinking across front of rad, but its mighty close fit..gonna av to make up really tight90 oil pipe fittings, standard will be no good...and av to do away with the 45degree struts that go up to slam panel..

or mounted horizontally under chassis with scoop to channel air though..

first is safer for trans cooler, but restricts air flow to engine rad and engine oil cooler..
2nd is interesteing..i can protect trans cooler it would be bolted to each chassis leg at front lying flat, using rubber bobin type mounts with scoop hanging below protecting it from beneath and channelig air upwards though rad......

now to find a handbrake i like..have a disco2 type and standard rrc, but both look pooh, needs to fit in with auto shifter and hi low..
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not the best of pics, but auto shifter and hi low shifter covers..hand brake is similar..all
sprayed in crinkle paint.


shifters done and handbrake..

AND...bloody trans oil cooler wont fit across rad with gonna have to live horizontal under chassis with scoop for air and of course is where gonna sit.

Nice them pal, very custom, hope you're proud :)

Regards cooler :eek:

With a scoop it'll be sweet I hope but isn't trans cooler like 'the most important one' ?? :(

Can't you move whatever is in the way?
na..means moving light box sides...(inner wings!!)
but my reconing is if scoop same or even bigger than surface area of cooler then in thoery should have same/better air flow though cooler + stops restriction of air flow past engine oil cooler and coolent rad..

re shifers..yep quite pleased with them...they will look even better against nice black (maybe red) carpet..
What about notching out? Anyway yeah you're right, good scoop with good access to fresh air will cram air into your cooler, round the edges for better air grabbing

Quite common for racers to have angled intercoolers to allow larger surface area taking up less height, just needs ducting well

Ideally wants ducting into main rad cavity so engine fan pulls air through it too

Black carpet FTW
changed me mind about trans oil cooler..its now gonna hang below chassis vertically as it should but with a surround to in..

4 branch manifolds sorted..and wrapped..

####ing 4 branch headers should av govt health warning on fitting!!getting back lower bolts in was a ####!!

now to oil cooler..its here now..

now to lpg injection nozzel..####ING CRAP snapped in manifold while installing on cylinder2..just unwound like a helical had to strip..collent system, supercharger..supercharger manifold, petrol injection system..intake manifold..I WILL BE AVING A WORD WITH nozzel supplier tomorrow!!i may go visit them..with a &^*..****s.not appy..
and..its back together...this time for good, all gaskets and gunge inplace...

wondering now on scoop...thinking i might make one to fill the recess in bonnet, rather than it going down,prehaps raise it..???big scoop yes, but it may look rather good...??

thoughts please.

want this number plate please..


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