
not best picture but think it would look :cool:
You could make it level with the heater vents

Nice and subtle that way

Open and the front and rear to feed the vents still
thats what i was trying to put across..follow the lines of them aswell, ie as wide..
no, that'll just blow off in the wind.

too right...

so i started to make it outa metal...yes i know its on da wrong car..sarky gits!

so...i thinks it looks rather good so far..nice and mean.. i enclose the front, or leave open..??if i leave open do i make the opening smaller...or cober with grill.??..same with rear needs some surround for strength i thinks
rear not finished yet, will follow lines of air intake and be more tapered as otherwise wont be able to open bonnet fully! but has to be higher than air intake,,s/c clearence issue
Some pretty awkward compound bending to do to make it exactly match bonnet shape but do your best

Lower/thinner the better, maybe curve it to bring edges down towards bonnet but still give sc clearance

Personally I'm thinking close the front, at the moment
Some pretty awkward compound bending to do to make it exactly match bonnet shape but do your best

if one had a scrap bonnet you could chop it up and swap the outer bits over and seam weld it in the centre to get correct profile.
yeah but i sold my spare... dont show it, but scoop does follow bonnet curve..(what a bugger!)

well.....twas as git but now rear done!it had better bloody fit!!

may get a vent in rear for cooling,but since has bonnet lovers proberly not..

you looking at rear of scoop facing screen..
on bonnet,need to pull out sides awee bit...but thats no problem..looks real big when not on car!!

and i may try to pull it forward 5mm at front, but thats not so easy as will have to weld 5mm curved strip in..ekk


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