nah thats dead people, not sure if there is a technical term for shagging dead animals. now shagging live ones is called bestality. i know that cos its written on my summons.

i got done for sadism, necrophelia and beastility.
pleaded not guilty.
my lawyer said i was flogging a dead horse.
ormus said:
i got done for sadism, necrophelia and beastility.
pleaded not guilty.
my lawyer said i was flogging a dead horse.

I cant believe you gonnan admit that in public:eek: How long ya bin out of the pen?

What was is it like?
OOpss.... Hummm May B I will go and sit in a corner and sulk.....

Think I need another J......:rolleyes:

Helps you think I think......:rolleyes:

Ha ha...ya think I want a CAR.....lmao....
Its not a freelander its a
it just that you said you was gonna sulk and thats what the girls do down the bottom of the page
Bigstoo said:
nah thats dead people, not sure if there is a technical term for shagging dead animals. now shagging live ones is called bestality. i know that cos its written on my summons.

i did a search on the net and all its says is "obsessive interest of an erotic kind in dead bodies" so it could apply to animals aswell as humans.
ming you that don't matto

i bet scotty was piffed off with people getting beamed up him

What did happen to Ming He's still on the Members list D'tou think we frittened him off.

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