Ha ha, your's might Grunt, but each to his own!

Yeah, Super Bowl, excuse for Septics to drink ****y weak beer & eat stuff to make them even fatter? Whatofit?

Hey, Grunt. Is your latest Avatar a "lifty thing for canal boats to go up & down thing without the need for flights of locks" thing? Why? Well, apart from the engineering genius! You a bit of a "Dibnah"?
whereswaldo583 said:
wow...this thread kinda died...do you guys know what the super bowl is??
yeah but whats so super about it? a bunch of big girls blouses running about dressed up as extras from power rangers.
hows it go?, run 5 feet, stop, have a chin wag, change players and repeat for 10 hours. oh and i think a ball might be involved some where.
Victorian engineering at its best. Fred, he's my hero. He's been on the history channel non stop recently, I've not got a thing done.

Did ya like that.
Yeah man. Is that a steam one or something & the only one or something? I should know really, I lived on a boat for several years & all things industrial & waterworld...well, float my boat so to speak! Saw something about it a while back.

I do tend to watch any of Fred's programmes too. A great loss, bless 'im. His enthusiasm towards great engineering will, I suspect always be infectious!

Christ, there's times a III doesn't feel that much further on from steam & I like a vehicle that larfs at you if you approach it with a "normal" sized set of spanners!

Top one!
whereswaldo583 said:
wow...this thread kinda died...do you guys know what the super bowl is??

Yeah - uha uha uha. Like the world series which is only open to American teams. Not exactly the world is it? Let's call it the Yankee Series instead, and whilst we're at it, let's call the Super Bowl the average bowl. The freekin rolling stones are palying in the interval - wot the chuffs all that about?
gees i didn't know the rolling stones could paly.; woo! that should be some show.
i can't wait to see mick paly
slob said:
yeah but whats so super about it? a bunch of big girls blouses running about dressed up as extras from power rangers.
hows it go?, run 5 feet, stop, have a chin wag, change players and repeat for 10 hours. oh and i think a ball might be involved some where.

My brother used to be in Tthe Royal Navy Rugby team. There was a challenge laid down by a Yank Navy ship's "football" team for a game. The RN team agreed as long as it was "football" first half and Rugby second half.

The first half went sort of O.K. .... our lads lost but that was because the yanks kept stopping and our lads fell asleep through boredom.

The second half we won. Even though the Yanks wouldn't play without thier poof padding on!

Yeah, proper hard game of "football" the Yanks play ..... NOT!
Ain't it tho', what's with dressing like Robocop? Loads of standing about too, no wonder so many hot dogs get eaten!
ere do you think mick will show his nipple like that bint did the other year?? that should keep the freelander girls happy
the washington ****ers or perhaps the texas tosspots.or what about the colorado cabbage heads
Illinois Idiots. Bollocks I can't be arsed. Dakota Dickheads. Bollocks I'm off to bed
i watched the super bowl last night, well most of it, there are so many brakes, after every 4 plays or less there is adverts!!!! but the steelers did win so its wasnt too bad. the best bit was when some bloke did a really impressive run, in rugby he would have had to play on, but in yank land he was taken off and put on an oxygen machine, and they say they are the fittest athletes!
GRUNT said:
Illinois Idiots. Bollocks I can't be arsed. Dakota Dickheads. Bollocks I'm off to bed

Yo giving up Grunty? I win?:rolleyes:

The superbowel was just the best. Better than your 'six nations' rugerby by far, or soccer even. How do you work out six nations when four of them come from England? - yo'll have to explain that one...
GRUNT said:
Ha Ha

Whitworth spanners how the **** did they work that one out then.

don't the freelander girls use the 1/2" whitworth.. i think it's called the 1/2 whit for short

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