ere whatever happened to rummy???, you know dildo's bint

She packed him in and moved over here. Last I heard she had gone celebate and was living with Nigel in a commune for abused wimmin.
Hey Ming went missing the day before the reak Dildo d'you think there was something going on?
No Iv'e over done the Homebrew then gone to Pub. I'm off work tomorrow S'posed to be sorting the Landy out after last Sunday ready for next Sunday, think I'll have a headache instead.
Maybe the dildo's a strap on, Rummy's wearing it & her & Waldo are spit roasting the Minger........What? Ugh, I've images in my head I just wish weren't there!

Hey, this thread is knocking on the 600 mark, that has to be a record?
i flew on that irish airline once, cunnilingus i think its called. anyway we was just comeing into dublin and the pilot says "this is yer pilot here, we've just flew from london to dublin in 50 mins" someone shouts "is that a record" pilot replies " no!! its me ya daft count"
search for 8032712476 .. how about that lawn mower .... you should read the questions

wounder if it will work on a landy?? :rolleyes:
ok wot is door furniture?? do they mean door handles?? and who's gonna pay over 6 grand for an auto g/box?? not me matey
Hey thats a dam cool car! Dya think I coud change my Defender to look like that. Sheez - i coud drop a Chryselr auto for about 100 bucks. 6 big ones in Ingland is like $100,00 US yeah?

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