Oh, & by normal spanners, I just mean't 10 - 17mm "I bought them in Halfords & thought they'd do to fix it"............jeesh, now I'm getting defensive!

Actually my ol' Shovelhead needed some ridiculous spanners. I'm sure the front primary sprocket retaining nut needed 1 3/4"! Still got them & never needed them since! More offensive weapons than tools of the trade!
i once tried to remove a set of air horns from some rice burner and i swear it was 12.5 mm 1/2 AF too big, 13mm too big, 7/16 AF too small and 12mm too small. and being a rice burner it safe to say that it was metric
Marcus said:
England? Oh chrissakes! Someone tell him, I really cant be arsed!
right wheresdildo999 you got scouseland,then you got geordieland and southernwimpland and of course the republic of yorkshire. to name four,i could go on to name others like the ancient kingdom of wessex but i won't.
What, in Boulder CO the men have sex with humans? Someone tell him........no, second thoughts we then run the risk of procreation.

Oi, Southernland what?!?!
36 have been accused of spousal abuse

7 have been arrested for fraud

19 have been accused of writing bad checks

117 have directly or indirectly bankrupted at least 2 businesses

3 have done time for assault

71, repeat 71 cannot get a credit card due to bad credit

14 have been arrested on drug-related charges

8 have been arrested for shoplifting

21 currently are defendants in lawsuits. and

84 have been arrested for drunk driving in the last year

Can you guess which organization this is?

. . . Scroll down, citizen!

It's the 535 members of the United States Congress.

The same group of Idiots that crank out hundreds of new laws each year designed to keep the rest of the U.S. in line.
writing bad cheques..;don't you have to be able to write to do that??? and they didn't mention the sex with dead animals or is that common practice in yankland

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