Landy owners don't seem to wave around here, we'll not at my disco they don't. It's more a Landy 'look'. Other disco drivers can be seen giving my motor a quick visual scan, then give an understanding look :). The Defender drivers look is down their noses as they drive past, and if its got all the accessories there's often a little smirk as well. The Freelander look is a bit too long for comfort and is sometimes bordering on a stare. The Range Rover Vogue/Sport look is one of pity, as is the disco 3 & 4 look. I'd love to exchange waves with other Landy owners, but I'm a newbie and too shy :)
Landy owners don't seem to wave around here, we'll not at my disco they don't. It's more a Landy 'look'. Other disco drivers can be seen giving my motor a quick visual scan, then give an understanding look :). The Defender drivers look is down their noses as they drive past, and if its got all the accessories there's often a little smirk as well. The Freelander look is a bit too long for comfort and is sometimes bordering on a stare. The Range Rover Vogue/Sport look is one of pity, as is the disco 3 & 4 look. I'd love to exchange waves with other Landy owners, but I'm a newbie and too shy :)

Read the first post ;)
just about given up round me, too many Farmers on my way to work and back, or rich gets with all the trimmings on their fender with no intention of taking it off road.
if it looks like you use it, I'll give you a wave, if not, meh...
friendly S3 driver near me always waves and smiles though...
if it looks like you use it, I'll give you a wave, if not, meh...
friendly S3 driver near me always waves and smiles though...

Every cloud has a silver lining an all that :D

Just keep waving they'll get the idea............................eventually

I find a version of the right handed low wave does wonders for a persistant wave ignorer

Lift your hand clear of the steering wheel with palm facing forwards and index finger raised, hold your thumb out at roughly 90 degrees in the now known as loser position. Remember to do it with a smile ;)
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Now I've upgraded to my range rover your all peasants ,instead of waving i lower the electric window and chuck out a fiver :):D
I always wave even if its a farmer as I know them all around here anyway :rolleyes:although sometimes I forget I'm in the ranger and I just get funny looks :p
We don't have many LR's of any kind over here. Did wave at and got same with a RRC, 110, Disco. The posh gal driving the new Evac didn't wave as she was on here way to the country club and had a mobile to her ear.

I can reliably inform you that no f**ker waves back to you when you're driving a D3. :(

Still plenty of waves in the Series though :D
One of our Harbour Masters has a new 110 CSW, and she always waves!

Mind you, mine is quite easily recognised, with it being blue and yellow, and even the local constabules wave!

Very friendly people in this part of the world!
One of our Harbour Masters has a new 110 CSW, and she always waves!

Mind you, mine is quite easily recognised, with it being blue and yellow, and even the local constabules wave!

Very friendly people in this part of the world!

Sounds like balamorey :)
I can reliably inform you that no f**ker waves back to you when you're driving a D3. :(

Still plenty of waves in the Series though :D

i know how you feel with the D3 :rolleyes: although i did see a group of laners the other day and got a wave out of 2 out of the 4 so 50% aint bad :D

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