I tend to only get waives from Fender drivers, Series drivers and older Disco drivers.
I think most who drive more the more modern machines just see their Land Rover as anynother vehicle and are not necessarily emotionally connected to the Heritage or marque- they just got one to impress on the school run and 'shove one up' their neighbours.
I know you wont believe this but yesterday i got a double whammy - two waves in a row ...whoopie
ok ok i know i sound like a saddo , but it makes ME chuckle ..:rolleyes:
Does being in a standard ex military vehicle confuse people as to whether its still military or not as never seem to get waved at
I usually always get a wave from other fender drivers, even some newer ones though there is the odd miserable bugger who doesn't wave back. Can't think if I've got a wave off a series, certainly a few modded discos have
My father-in-law has a gaylander, and I just blank him when he's driving it.

I think he understands now after I explained it a few times... ;)

Is it just me or are London Defender owners snotty? Here in SW London you rarely get a nod or a wave!

I still get non Defender people often come up for a natter.
Waving at other Land Rovers is something I've always done.... you never now when you might need a tow ! It pays to stay friendly with as many as you can ! :)

Though as many have said... most of the new shiny brigade don't usually bother.
TOP MAN never wave to a gaylander they just think ya want them to stop for a perm and blow dry...

I was driving from Carisbrooke to Newport on the Isle of Widget yesterday when I had a freelander flash his headlights and wave at me. I did wave back. :welcome:

Just in case the driver of said vehicle is on here and reading this, change yer crank case breather filter now while you still have a turbo.:eek:
i wave at freelanders,they never wave back

I drive à freelander and people rarely wave at me so I stopped waving first in case they thought I was weird . somebody did wave once I was overcome with excitement quickly followed by guilt cos I don't think they saw my wave back :(
I had the bloody britpart truck try and wave at me tother week!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

Bloody ****ers, if you think im going to even acknowledge its presence let alone engage in a motion to display my pleasure at seeing the worlds worst advertising for Landrovers since Robert Mugabe your sorely mistaken.

Bunch of ****s should be strung up, there a major contributing factor to the reason we wave anyway(which suits them :mad: ) we wave so we can be friendly - in case we need a tow - we might need a tow because we fit sub standard, mass produced ****e from bloody ****epart.

I hate them with a passion. :mad:

So that is why i gave the driver of said truck the middle finger and the slightly open hand wrist shake as he went past. :)

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