'crapping myself' might be a little strong but I am considering my options. I do think it rather unfair that I should pay such a tax on my ancestral family home here in the West Country

and our little place in London and the holiday home in Scotland

and the castle in Wales and the little place we've just bought in Cornwall (Polperro I think it's called).

I don't have to pay these taxes on my home in Monaco or the one in New York.
One will continue pestering ones chauffeur to wave at the pheasants in their lesser Land Rovers

Why are you waving at pheasants? Isn't that what you pay beaters for, while you shoot them from your lil hideyholes?
So let me get this right ...

We wave to anything that originally had the green oval badge, and was made by LR and/or rebuilt/modified by someone who nostalgically treasures all Series and Fenders

Other stuff like Ewoks, Rangies, Gaylanders and Disco's which, although inferior to the proper Landy, must be given their full egotistical dues and totally ignored, as they are generally driven by wealthier-than-me, arrogant little twocks who have to take them to the garage periodically to have the washer bottles filled!

Have I got that somewhere near??
So let me get this right ...

We wave to anything that originally had the green oval badge, and was made by LR and/or rebuilt/modified by someone who nostalgically treasures all Series and Fenders

Other stuff like Ewoks, Rangies, Gaylanders and Disco's which, although inferior to the proper Landy, must be given their full egotistical dues and totally ignored, as they are generally driven by wealthier-than-me, arrogant little twocks who have to take them to the garage periodically to have the washer bottles filled!

Have I got that somewhere near??
Not really as I'm an ex fender owner and now still fill my own washer bottle in my rr:)
So let me get this right ...
Disco's which, although inferior to the proper Landy, must be given their full egotistical dues and totally ignored, as they are generally driven by wealthier-than-me, arrogant little twocks who have to take them to the garage periodically to have the washer bottles filled!

Have I got that somewhere near??

You need to be more specific on the Disco part as D1's and 2's are worth less than your Fenders. Therefore we are poorer than you.

Also, i'm not sure if it's been covered, but here in yorkshire we dont wave. Its either a nod or one finger lifted off the wheel. :D
Now my bog standard 90 has been reborn into a rock slider / snorkel /CB ariel waving beast , i am finally receiving some happy waves back from other defender drivers ..yay!!:D:D
How come I hadn't seen this thread before - the 'wave' has always intrigued me..... (mind you I haven't read back over 28 pages so may well have posted before)

Tricky round here - the 'working' keepers, farmers, fencers etc. scowl at you big time if you wave (which is a good reason to do it). The noveau riche with all the whistles and bells and not the faintest clue what to do with them wave frantically wanting to somehow 'belong' and I don't have the heart to ignore them.....

All the 'normal' folks wave knowingly as we should......... I have concluded over the years that it is recognition of some shared anguish and pain underlying the pride in our fabulaous machines.

I favour the hand lifted off the wheel but leaving the thumb just in contact - suitably cool...... (well that's what I think so don't spoil it for me.....;)) A
I favour the hand lifted off the wheel but leaving the thumb just in contact - suitably cool...... (well that's what I think so don't spoil it for me.....;)) A

Ah the classic righthanded low wave.

Cool? Yes! but only really cool if you're in a series Landy ;) :D
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