so misguided.....horsey girls have no time to llok after men.....ask my OH!

lol so true:D:D how many neds you got ? i got 4 at the mo, well 2 horse and 2 ponies:rolleyes: and thats why i have a landy lol, even in a swb you can get 3 bales of hay:D:D see thats what you need to tell your OH, you NEED a landy for horse stuff;)
lol so true:D:D how many neds you got ? i got 4 at the mo, well 2 horse and 2 ponies:rolleyes: and thats why i have a landy lol, even in a swb you can get 3 bales of hay:D:D see thats what you need to tell your OH, you NEED a landy for horse stuff;)

1 and a half neds for me. The 1 is such a blighter I dont have time for more. spent the weekend cutting him free of fencing and sitting some rather spectacular bucks!

I can get 3 bales in the starlet with the seats down ;) however OH has no say in my vehicle....he doesn't drive so if he wants a lift he can get in whatever has wheels and goes!

He offered to loan me the cash to get the 90 if i promise to stop waving and pointing at all the landys and if the word truck never fell from my lips again :D:rolleyes:
He offered to loan me the cash to get the 90 if i promise to stop waving and pointing at all the landys and if the word truck never fell from my lips again :D:rolleyes:

well what you waiting for:eek::eek::eek::eek: cos of course once you've got it you can wave and point at who you like and it will be too late for him to do anything about it;)
Having read the posts on this board I have drawn the conclusion that buying a 90 is the cheaper bit of ownership.....I am saving my borrowing needs for running repairs which I reckon will be a heftier whack.
i run a tdi 90 way cheaper than any other vehicle pretty lady....

its about getting in there and fixin(stripping knuckles off and cussing)
its the cheapest ever vehicle ta are cheap ish.. and so at 30mpg it dunt kill the pocket but above all its a landy..
Having read the posts on this board I have drawn the conclusion that buying a 90 is the cheaper bit of ownership.....I am saving my borrowing needs for running repairs which I reckon will be a heftier whack.

good job you dont want a range rover then innit,:eek::D:D;)
mine being a 2.5 td 110, when it does work enough to travel i wave at everyone with a green oval..
if they do not reply the wave i put it down to shock of seeing 'chubby' move as opposed to being in a disco or rangie i also try to reply to every greeny wave so long as i am not nursing 'chubby' home
camel trophy drivers are special, you need a permission slip to even look at one, a wave from a non-camel takes planning, and empty roads within a 10 mile radius!!

or is it the ones i meet are t***s

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