I got no one to wave to here.
Only 2 other 90s on the island!
There are a bunch of Discos and RRs.

So what me and the wife do is drive downtown in the evenings where there are lots of storefront windows that are very reflective.
As we drive by we wave at ourselves in the glass, lots of fun and even more fun is watching the expressions of the pedestrians.
round here there's a very large LR population it goes like this the 110's all wave to each other (even grizzled old farmers join in!) the 90's dont respond 80% of the time (have their own wave club i reckon) and the discos (even tricked up ones) forget it nada...ziltch and all the series owners wave at anyone all the time as they are in need of help :D
Maybe there should be some kind of points system?

Five finger wave for series landys
Four fingers for 90's and 110'
Three Fingers for Discos
Two fingers for Rangies and
One finger for err umm, :rolleyes::D:D
My 13 year old daughter loves sitting in the front of my 95 Defender waving at other Defenders. Trouble is when we are out in my other car, she forgets she is not in the Defender and still waves! A wave between a BMW and Defender doesn't have the same effect :doh:
Had my Defender for around 18 months and for the first week or so of waving, or knodding, I got no reply at all from anything other than Defenders and Series's, so I gave up on all but these.

A few weeks ago in the North East on hol's, very few Defender drivers waved, yet around here just about all of them do.

I'm quite sad really as I wave or nod to Defenders and Series' with no one in them :rolleyes::p. Seems a shame not too.

Drive a Discovery or Range Rover tried waving at Defenders, noses up their fecking backsides; however I will continue to try and continue to be hopefull.:D

Andy. :)
Ah've found that newer defender drivers never wave back.
Ah usually give a wee wave to all defenders and series' and a nod to the Disco's a Rangies... some respond back and some don't;)
when we are in our range rovers we expect the butler or chauffer to do the menial task of waving at the people in inferior or lesser vehicles.:D;)
My 13 year old daughter loves sitting in the front of my 95 Defender waving at other Defenders. Trouble is when we are out in my other car, she forgets she is not in the Defender and still waves! A wave between a BMW and Defender doesn't have the same effect :doh:

Does it not? :eek::confused:;)

I wave at you all from my toyota starlet......I has no shame :D
OH.wot work do you do.I work my mates farm yard kit and do various self employed stuff.Mostly tree cutting and stone hedge building....

today im sorting a very rusty rear cross member i brought with filler in it...

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