
I have to say I am quite chuffed. Flashed and waved to peeps on the way down to Sunnyset and about 3/4 of the landy drivers waved back :).

Mind yu - i think most were a bit bemused by a slitty driver waving at them :) :confused:
Thought I'd drag this thread out again as we've had several new peeps since first post.

Thought a double wave was pretty cool but this morning had a whole truck full of peeps waving, flashing lights and horn honking.

Had that butt clenching feeling that summat was wrong at first LOL :cool:
Thought I'd drag this thread out again as we've had several new peeps since first post.

Thought a double wave was pretty cool but this morning had a whole truck full of peeps waving, flashing lights and horn honking.

Had that butt clenching feeling that summat was wrong at first LOL :cool:
i honestly didnt know there was an etiquete to the landy owners wave and im surprised the rules resemble the derived caravan owners wave wich me dad tought me when i was bout 10 and this thread has answered my chicken and egg question it was the landy wave that came first as the caravan wave came in during the 60s so me dad sez :D:D:D:D
I'm not a smiler by choice, but i would like to add that with most waves ( def/series ofc ) then it usually goes along with the closed mouth smile and possible slight nod.

these colder times result in the wave actually staying attached to the wheel and raising 3-4 fingers with a nod and a quick scan of the vehicle
When i first got the Disco 2 no waves once I fitted the light bar I was getting waves, and I also noticed get more waves when the motor is covered in mud after an offroading trip,, but i wave to other LR's not so much in my locat only the ones i know will get a responce, I also seem to get waves from other makes of 4x4 round here which is ok

Mainly the School run or the status symbol mob around here!!
I waved to a fender driver the other day, was in me disco, he gave me the 2 finger salute, stuck up cock, just cos he's driving a cold bone rattler, jelous i recon.
found fender drivers more friendly than disco drivers up here.

standard disco got fook all

a few mods and got the odd wave but in the 110 seem to get acknowledged by most.
My discos standard, but the fender had acouple of bits of old rope hanging off the front and a set of spot lights on it that had seen better days, still fink he's a k...nob, bet his heating don't work as good as mine :D
Well i'm gutted, i used to get constant waves in my old series 3's, i had to ask on a forum years ago what it was and was told "its the landy wave". After that i always replied or started the wave, instant feelgood factor.

Since i bought the disco 6 months ago, i have had two waves in total and there are a lot of discos around here. I tried on some female type and got a look that stop a rhino in its tracks!

I think i'll try again and go on the offensive this time and start first :)
Must be most the Guys and Girls in the Ipswich area, dont mind giving a wave, I tend to nod or wave to most of the landys that look like they are more then the school run bus.

So far ant had any difference between the fenders RR or Disco's.

Most 4x4's that look like they are used..seem to wave when they see the snorkel, lights, straps, ect on the front.
Reaserching wave etiquette, i did a search (ffs!) and low.......:D

However, from my days driving an old V dub camper, I feel the wave is largely a kind of shared bond, between fellow owners, who know the joys and yes heataches too, of keeping such a vehicle on the road.

Therefore, should one wave at people in new landys? Never taken off road and certainly never been serviced or repaired by the current driver.

I think you need to earn your wave through graft and dedication. Blood blisters, cut noggins and engine oil on your favorite party shirt. Late for work, driving in the dark without lights and definately a non working rear wiper at the very least. Oh, and one or two wet patches about the person following a short drive in the rain. You can't just go and buy the right to a wave with a spare 20k.

Perhaps new vehicle owners (and I'm only realy referring to Defers here.), can get a sort of trainee, stick with it lad, you can make it, kind of intro half wave:p

I think that you have a right to the wave by right of ownership alone not necessarily by off roading, maintenance etc - I share a bond with other defender owners of freezing right side of body, bruised right elbow from hitting it on the door, deformed left thigh muscles from heavy clutch, damp left shoulder from leaking sun roof etc etc etc - I deserve that wave, I have a right to the wave, I enjoy the wave- do not limit the wave- I live for the wave :p
I'm not a smiler by choice, but i would like to add that with most waves ( def/series ofc ) then it usually goes along with the closed mouth smile and possible slight nod.

these colder times result in the wave actually staying attached to the wheel and raising 3-4 fingers with a nod and a quick scan of the vehicle
thats spookily close to me when i thought about it....
all of it!


s3 aint bin out for that long, cant remember. probably a big cheesy grin
and the "demist the window" kind of wave.
I have no intention of taking my p38 off road. Have a bettered jeep for that. But i do my own work, or atleast try to. Do i qualify for atleast an apprentice wave?
I have no intention of taking my p38 off road. Have a bettered jeep for that. But i do my own work, or atleast try to. Do i qualify for atleast an apprentice wave?
for the p38 would say yeah, the jeep would be more a point an laff....
but yeah, if a jeep waved at me, then i'd probly wave back, with the thought that.....hmmm...he really knows he should be in a rover...
I never realised the wave was such a well known, and precise thing! I've waved at a few other landy's whilst driving my disco and got the cold shoulder so many times I lost confidence and gave up :(

I think the only wave I've ever recieved was from a 90 with all the toys. I suppose the problem is my disco is pretty much standard still. I always end up spending so much money servicing the bloody thing that i'm not left with any money to spend on toys!

Perhaps once I get the snorkel fitted I'll get more respect from other proper landrover drivers?

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