I always wave - or flash :eek: at Landy owners. :D

normally from my slitty :p

oi never mind a wave ive extended to letting landy drivers out onto the road if i can with the exeption of x5 , and gaylanders with women at the wheel and im in a slitty:D:D:D:D

Ok In light of the fact that some of us have two or more vehicles that may or may not be Landrovers. Coupled to having been waved at very enthusiastically by a Suzuki jeep this morning :)

I think we should either :-

a, Have a poll to see who is for or against returning waves from anyone, or
b, Just bl**#y wave anyway cos we're all nice like that :D
Having a standard disco does have its disadvantages, i've almost given up waving as most people look confused, even Defender and Series drivers :(

But when i'm out in the Series its a different matter, you even get kids at the side of the road waving :)

I feel like i need a big neon sign saying 'I'm a propper landy owner, i own a series, i wave'

But, when i measured it up, the writing would have to be so small to fit across the landy that it wouldn't all be readable in the time it takes to pass someone.
Having a standard disco does have its disadvantages, i've almost given up waving as most people look confused, even Defender and Series drivers :(

Keep waving and smiling secure in the knowledge that yr part of an elite band of people. Who are cheerful n helpful .......................... mostly :cool:
When out in the 101 I always wave at rr sport drivers :D they have no idea whats going on :confused::confused: even had one stop and check his motor, I laughed so much it hurt:lol::lol::lol:
Got a defender nod today, is the nod like "I don't want to commit to a wave cos the it could go either way with a disco driver"?
Got a defender nod today, is the nod like "I don't want to commit to a wave cos the it could go either way with a disco driver"?

I often give a nodd in the Series if i'm in the middle of changing gear, indicating, operating the windscreen wipers (until recently a two handed job... don't ask) whilst viewing the tablet pc to see which way i'm heading and having a cup of tea to go with the donnut i'm eating.:D
Fecks sake i waved at some poor sod today in a 90, he looked a tad confused.

Not surprised as i was walking at the time :eek::eek:
Fecks sake i waved at some poor sod today in a 90, he looked a tad confused.

Not surprised as i was walking at the time :eek::eek:

up until a few months ago i used to forget where i was and give a cheery wave to series/'fender drivers........while driving the works van! (pug partner)
up until a few months ago i used to forget where i was and give a cheery wave to series/'fender drivers........while driving the works van! (pug partner)

i do it all the time have to make it look like i iz going to scratch me heed :D
i do it all the time have to make it look like i iz going to scratch me heed :D

i like the looks you get..... some people look and you can see them thinking landy driver.......then wave back........ others look towards the pavement to check you are waving at them, others do the automatic wave return 'cause you could be someone they know (like when you can't remember someones name but you know there face)

the best one is giving a wave to the new RR drivers(bother normal and sport) you get either a funny look or sometimes a finger
Series 1 Drivers deserve a hand shake and if you ever see a NAS 90, that's more a high five thing.
right - think the wave etiquette for series and defenders is well established but have an add on question.............

in public car parks, supermarkets etc 'fenders & series tend in my experience to gravitate towards each other when parking so you an end up next door to another one.

whilst it is perfectly acceptable to wave at each other whilst passing driving there seems to be a bit of a unclear etiquette when face to face with each other:confused:

if you greet him with a cheery wave and a hello you look like you've escaped from the local bin. If you ignore him you look like a surley bad tempered old cow :confused:

Then you have to factor in that most of the landies I see are driven by fellas and if you start smirking at strange blokes in car parks they tend to think you're a raving nympho:eek:

so come on then - whats the best way to handle this situation :confused:
But you are a raving nympho. :confused:

I know :eek: but don't want everybody else to know - :D

anyway can't think why you have that opinion of me- all my posts indicate I'm shy ,retirng and one could almost say prudish about all matters sexual :rolleyes:
whilst it is perfectly acceptable to wave at each other whilst passing driving there seems to be a bit of a unclear etiquette when face to face with each other:confused:

if you greet him with a cheery wave and a hello you look like you've escaped from the local bin. If you ignore him you look like a surley bad tempered old cow :confused:

Then you have to factor in that most of the landies I see are driven by fellas and if you start smirking at strange blokes in car parks they tend to think you're a raving nympho:eek:

so come on then - whats the best way to handle this situation :confused:

Bend over hoist the flag and ask em to check over your chassis?

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