Nice neat job there fella,
A quick release/ninge set up on your grill should be no problem to ya.
I can see wot Wilty is saying but he uses his for compositions
This is what the gearbox looked like when i started stripping it ..


The red stuff is some sort of waterproof grease, the grey stuff is what was left of the oil/grease that was supposed to be lubricating the gearbox! I reckon the red grease was used to try and act as a seal .. but didn't do a good job, 'cos when I opened the gears up all three sets of planetary gears were stuck together with what looked like paste, I presume oil and water/sand/silt mixture!

Easy job, remove Dog-point Hex Cap head screw and then remove gear lever. Undo 10 Cap screws and pull the bits apart .. 's all there is to it .. ;)

Very easy to replace 'em all, as all the gears are in separate cages, with a central spur gear and three separate planetary stages. When cleaned the gears and their bearing surfaces all looked good, clean teeth, not tight but not sloppy on their bushings, so job's a good 'un .. ;)

The Nylon spaces/bushes are also good, though one has a gouge in it. I'm making a list of parts I need from USA (most bits are non-stock it seems) and when I have an orders worth I might consider importing some bits! Till then, it's a repair, re-make or fettle (read bodge) job .. ;)

Only issue I can see is the internals of the winch drum .. the brake rod came out, but the internal braking surface is well rusty .. and damned awkward to clean! Going to make a holder to slip onto the cordless drill and a small wire wheel or emery cloth 'flapwheel' type affair that's 12" long, the drum's quite deep .. ;)

But looking better than I hoped now, so long as the motor endplate repair works .. but as I belted it with a hammer to try and it stayed in one piece I'm pretty confident it'll do .. ;)
So, you have a winch, you need a second battery I hear everyone cry! No room I cry back, 'cos I has a southdown snorkel that uses the front of the airbox ... Think differently I says ..

So I undid the radiator plate that carries the power steering reservoir, found a bit of 1.2mm plate, drilled a hole for the reservoir, tacked it onto the rad mount, re-did it all up, removed the bottle jack and bent over the small plate that holds it there .. et viola .. ;) Looks rough, but so what, it's under the bonnet .. ;)

Room for a small car battery I had lying about! It's only a small one from the wifes old Nissan Micra, but brand new and I can make a loom up to charge it en-route I guess. Just needs a strap or holder making up and it'll be safe too.

When I can afford a decent deep cycle battery I'll maybe have to re-think it, but for now, it'll do! ;)

I love its only a bearing support repair. I have a superwinch ep9 in the shed in bits being refurbished its like new but has been submerged and coated in crap. I'm impressed with the gearbox parts but not the plastic coupling. I do think your chemical metal repair will break but I guess you have nothing to lose and I'm not one of great faith with chemical metal tbh so hope to be proved wrong.
Agree, I dislike using chemi-metal, but simply have no money, so I'm not going to lose anything other than time .. I had some in the shed .. :)

If it works, well it'll just (hopefully) make me realise how much I actually need a winch and spur me on to get a decent one .. or set of decent tyres, or diff-locks ... :)
is there no way you can machine out the centre and put in an ali centre and or use steel and screw pin rivit the centre. Good luck I hope it works out for you.
No way to do it myself at home, other than a pillar drill and can't use my bro's works lathes due to work commitments!

No sweat mate, Not lost anything if it doesn't hold up.
Yea not a fan I must say I use epoxy resin for some repairs to machines but tbh if I had a knackared diff pan I'd have to get a new pan welded on just because im a bit sad and want itas it should be.
Yea not a fan I must say I use epoxy resin for some repairs to machines but tbh if I had a knackared diff pan I'd have to get a new pan welded on just because im a bit sad and want itas it should be.
its all smoothed of with a grinder and then diff guard fitted so u cant see it..

by there claims u can drill a hole in it and tap n dye it:eek:
Heh, I once used epoxy to 'repair' teeth on the rear sprocket of a motorbike! Worked well enough for a full weekend. Dunno how long it would have lasted 'cos I bought a new one before anything broke .. ;)

Must say, now the chemi-metal has dried properly, it grinds and 'feels', when you work it, just like real metal! I reckon it might even be 'harder' than the cast alloy it's repairing, so it'll be interesting to see what actually breaks and how .. ;)
Motor testing ... ;)

This also shows the endplate and how it's been repaired.

Brushes didn't fit correctly so needed fettling (Britpart, not for this motor) to fit and a small amount of blood offering .. ;)

Motor testing - YouTube
nice one Paul, glad its up and running. Hopefully the chemical metal holds. :)
Was at TopCats last night, he's a feckin' wizard! Got me solenoids working, linked together and sorted a remote controller for me .. He knows his stuff! He's also given me that motor Rick gave him, Rick, hope you don't mind.

Although mine was running, because it's been stood in water for ages (apparently) I reckon the field coils insulation has broken down, so when it heated up they simply burned off and 'went', turned into magic smoke and stopped turning. I've got to make an adaptor 'cos mine was splined and Ricks is keyed but it shouldn't be a big job, bit of drilling, grinding and filing to fit .. then put the rest of it together and fit it ...
Might have it running for the weekend now!

Big shout for that, TopCat's a Top Man ..
Update ..

New motor bought ..

NEW 12 V Short Armature 5HP Winch Motor, Goodwinch, Superwinch, TDS Goldfish | eBay

and sitting next to the old one on the bench ...


I can thoroughly recommend Goodwinch, fantastic delivery, will be buying more stuff off them in the future .. It also looks like they sent me a long armature motor, have a look at the negative to field post lengths on the two motors, the new one is about an inch longer between posts, and this is reflected in the end-cap, more of which later!

Rebuilt the gearbox end, all nice and clean, light smear of oil for now, Devon4x4 didn't send the gaskets I ordered so Blue Hermetite on all mating surfaces ..


Added the drum, then motor ..


and had to bodge up the tie rods as the steel bolts that held the aluminium tie bars to the end plates broke inside and couldn't be removed. I have the impression this is stronger and will be more resilient if needed. All of it's just loosely assembled ready for fitting to the vehicle when it'll all be tightened up evenly so there's no stress on a particular point.


Then hit the major obstacle .. well, minor really but has ****ed me off and is where the job stands ..


The feckin' thing don't fit now!! The old motor is stuck there to show how it did fit ..

No worries, loads of room to move the winch about so it's coming off and the plate will be re-drilled to suit the mounts. Not a problem, but time-consuming, especially when it's this cold!

Only got the solenoids and wiring to tidy up and fit now, how hard can that be????? ;)


Should keep me busy for a while. Topcat has sorted the solenoids and wiring, alongside a remote control box, so it's just a matter of mounting it all, waterproofing it, connecting it and making it work.

For now, it's OK to know I have a Warn winch, refurbed and properly working, albeit still not fully fitted, for less than £200 ... I is quite happy ... ;)

More to follow when I connect it up and add the rope ... and test it under a proper load!
So, rebuilt and finally tested it .. albeit dry so sounds a bit rough .. it should break in over time and can only get better! Have a look at the video .. ;)

I'll strip it down again, clean, re-build and grease it before I finally fit it to the Disco. I've also re-drilled the mounting plate and it all now fits .. ;) Very pleased, as I now have a Warn winch for less than £150, which makes me happy. Can't see it being the fastest or strongest winch on the lanes, but if it gets me out of spots and means I don't have to rely on others it'll have been money and time well spent. :)

With all the issues I've had lately with other stuff I didn't want to just rebuild and fit it without properly testing it and lack of disposable income made it a take a much longer timespan than I first thought .. if I'd had the dosh it would have been done much sooner 'cos it's such a simple mechanism! Just needs wiring sorting, Topcat is going to help me with that (Top Bloke) and that'll be it.

Time will tell if the bearing mount breaks, but I don't think it will, it's held in a stable plane and I reckon it was only cack-handed fettling years ago that broke it! Can't wait to try it out now, got some 2nd hand synthetic rope for it and decent Hawse so as soon as the Disco has it's wheels back on it'll get a testing across the school field at least .. just to wind the rope on evenly and settle it, you understand .. ;)

Winch test

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