which is the worst ever landrover

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Oooh I like a bit of cheese I do, makes me think of funny things like weeblenders, and the hairdressers in them, really nice they are to, with there wee hair dryers and things.
Ah-Body's queer but you and me, and at times I think your queer to. My granny used to say that to me. maybe she was right!!

Ahh well! a Land Rovers a Kand Rover for a that! hhmm Rab burns was ot not?
What about the Disco III?

Ugly? YES

Too heavy? YES

Too big? YES

The Disco II is where LR should have stopped developing it.
errr - it appears that you're saying that a gaylander is a landrover Mr. Slob?
Shirley you can't mean that?
it wur actually meant to be worst thing with a landrover badge but the batteries in my cordless keyboard was a bit flat. i couldn't be arsed changing them and i (wrongly its seems) assumed folk would be able to work that bit oot fer themselves. mind you only one person has not managed to do so. so maybe its them that dint put enough thought into it
Friend of mine once sed never park a Freelander outside your bedroom window coz it will keep u awake at night while is falling apart.

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