which is the worst ever landrover

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does anyone know where i can get a clear rotating light? I have to install a lighthouse on my landy as i can't live without one. quote]

not sure about clear ones but any farmers shop should have yella ones
Arrh but he aint got Tiger Feet I have :)

Yeah I know I'm not supposed to still be here...........been waiting for someone to sign sumfin for me.
Duz he know? Dunt he want them back?

Ere' Slob, if ya want t'get picky, Mud said ".....your Tiger feet" :p
ah was using mud's song in an abstract way that allowed me to use grunt's version of cat's eyes name. do try and keep up old buoy
does anyone know where i can get a clear rotating light? I have to install a lighthouse on my landy as i can't live without one.

not sure about clear ones but any farmers shop should have yella ones

Amber ones actually. It's an offense to use a yellow lamp "as to be lit" on a public road.

Garrrhg! I'm a wow at parties...


Amber ones actually. It's an offense to use a yellow lamp "as to be lit" on a public road.

Garrrhg! I'm a wow at parties...


in this noo age of not using naughty wurds i think in this case the phrase " **** off" is the only apt one
"as to be lit"? You din't used to be called Policy implementer did you blippie?

If you don;t like the Road Vehicles Lighting Regulations, for heaven's sake don't get me started on the Road Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations.

Especially Reg 100.


Landrovers are all ****e in their own special way.

Just depends what good bits you want and what bad bits you're prepared to put up with.

Think the 4.6 p38 Rangey should definitely be on the list...
Having just come back from Scotland... where we did a lot of miles both on and very seriously off road (middle of moorland estates), I can say that aside from the odd niggly complaints about Freelanders, they are about as good as you can get - if you need to do a combination of on and off road driving.

My TD4 5 door beat just about every make going, off road, and is a pleasure to drive on the road. Besides which, it cost me a tenth of what some of the lads had paid fro their cars!

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