which is the worst ever landrover

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Sherlock was a detective not a statistician Slob

Your title should have been the worst Freelander ever ;)
a number of replies come to mind..among them are
you can lead a horse etc etc...
or is he really this dumb
but my prefered answer would have to be borrowed from our friend Mr Y disco.
which one i heard you all ask. well you'll just have to guess.
if yer supposed to be working, what you doing on LZ?? isn't that the same as stealing?

In answer to your question, there is no problem accessing internet or time constraints, besides Im on my lunch hour (2hr flexitime).

Cant see how accessing internet which is used for research and finding out other technical info relevant to our field of research is the same as stealing?
so is you working or is you int? if yer workin then i'd be delighted to know what it is you are researching that need information from a spoof poll about gaylanders? if its yer lunch hour what ye doing working?
Hehe :).........The offence relevant to using the internet at work is "Abstracting Electricity" same thing if you use the phone at work to make personal calls :D
yeah but, no but, yeah but, if he uses the internet for his work; and his co allows him to use it at lunch time for private use - there aint a problem. I think the point he woz making is that, although using it in an aproved manner, ie at lunch time, the co IT dept are being flagged as to "inapropriate" language on sites he is visiting - hence his comment about "work friendly".

am i bovvered?
I know, I was just pointing out what the offence was :D

Hehehe I've got a T-shirt with "Am I Bothered" on it :D.................oooooh I'm soooo childish..........apparently?

Morning BTW.
Oh and my dear slob.............you missed out my FL in ya list.............guess that's coz it's not one of the worst LR's ever made :p
Oh and my dear slob.............you missed out my FL in ya list.............guess that's coz it's not one of the worst LR's ever made :p
ffs flaps its missing cos it wasn't in the top ten of the gaylander's list i found as allready stated else wurs on this fred.
ands as fer yer man's IT dept..well.. its bad enough people on the site complaining about certain sets of letters or naughty wurds as we like to call them but to have someone that dint even use the site relay a message about the luggage to us. thats just getting bonkers...leave us alone
Oh my Gods! It's like being in an English lesson!!! I'd rather not, thank you all the same for the offer/suggestion................any better? Probably not but............AM I BOVVERED??

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