which is the worst ever landrover

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the 1.8 would still leave a good ole series in the dust but it just so happens that freelanders are crap. its a known fact.
say sumfink constructive - not "they are all crap". give a reasoned argument and put some effort into fixing the problems!

then buy summat else :D
i like Tonka toys - yu can stand on em and they dont break ;)

aint yu sold your hippoo yet? cant give 'em away now :p

I think yu ought to show Joll ya signature - she's all embarassed ;)
my youngest sisters got a new bmw x5 heap of shyte and my brothers got a well used dented trooper!

ashamed to admit it. theres really no hope for my family.
i saw a freelander go up on a kirb the other day.
i really didnt think they could do that off road stuff.
Nice to see the KV6, 1.8s and 1.8 commercial were not on the list. Plus the fact that the poll has even spread of votes is not representative of normal distribution in random sampling....

Hmmm some bias in these results ask any statistician ;)
Nice to see the KV6, 1.8s and 1.8 commercial were not on the list. Plus the fact that the poll has even spread of votes is not representative of normal distribution in random sampling....

Hmmm some bias in these results ask any statistician ;)

no **** sherlock!
I think this poll is unfair! I have it on good authority that the main problem with Freelanders is the window mechanism!
its even in black and white!

I'll send you a copy of the publication MHM. Was pricing FL in what car magazine at lunchtime. They mentioned transmission problems and suggested these alternatives...
RAV4, Honda CRV... would you ever

Back to Y304GWV, hate to say it MHM but you were flogged a dead horse matey
Back to Y304GWV, hate to say it MHM but you were flogged a dead horse matey

maybe i woz - part of it, I think was bad luck, part of it lack of knowledge. its ended now, thank goodness.
I am just waiting for the new owner to sign up on the forum ;)

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