My neighbours ( mr & mrs nosey c*** !) Tried to tell me that the fence thats falling down belongs to me and that i really should get it fixed, However on close inspection of my deeds it turns out to be there bloody problem !!!!!:mad:

surely thats a :D not a :mad: - yu can agree with them completely, say its a complete disgrace and "oh dear! - look here its YOUR fence;)"

Maybe yu aught to ask our resident legal eagle wot to do - i gather he is very good on car ports and other domestic related issues :D
:D Already had that chat.

Oh and its a :mad: not a :D because its blown down onto my garden and crushed a load of plants that my dad spent hours sortin out for me !!!!!:mad:

They have never liked me since i moved in, I think threatening there 15 year old lad with great harm might have somthing to do with it !!!!
Act of god my friend.

Cant claim against the man upstairs.

There going away on holiday in 3 weeks time, So i think a bit of weedkiller on there back garden may be in order !!!!:D
On the subject of gardens........... I just want to check that I am allowed to cut back things that are overhanging my garden so long as I throw the rubbish back in their yard so I cant be accused of stealing????? They sent us a letter last year informing us they would be putting a fence up and taking care of their trees etc. but they havent cut their trees back since we have lived here, or infact in the 40 years my dad has owned this house:mad:
Oh and also.......... act of god............. I thought you were covered on your house insurance for things like storm damage so wouldnt they be covered under that?
ive got the v5 for my landy but section 9 is missing how do i stand if shes been registerd as scrapped or hahe i got a serious problem?

Best thing is to ring up the DVLA and explain your position, The previous registered owner will have sent off the section 9 slip so as they dont get any grief from Swansea.

In a worst case you might have to get the vehicle inspected by the DVLA to prove its not a ringer, Its a quick check and your motor does not have to be tested or taxed.:D
:D Sleeplessparadise.

you are well within your rights to chop off anything that hangs over your property, and like you said, throw the rubbish back over so you dont get accused of theft ( a stupid old law) !!!!!.:D
Its best to give them a ring first, Chances are its been registered as scrapped, If the police drive past your place and have got there ANPR (automatic number plate recignition) Switched on, they might want to stop and ask you a few questions, So put DVLA in the picture asap and then they can ammend there system.

Also, dont forget to SORN it with the DVLA or they will send you a nice £80 fine for not taxing your vehicle or telling them its off road at present !!!!!:mad:
Thanks for that, guess what I am doing as soon as the wind dies down a bit;) The same neighbours fencing fell down on to their other neighbours garden too....... and they claim to be keen gardeners:D

Just keep leaning on them until they sort it out !!!!!:D
Well it worked a treat.
When I called the Finance Co. and threatened to involve the rozzers 'cause there was potentially fraud involved, they suddenly decided that they could clear the HPI record, even though they hadn't been paid!
Hmmm, I wonder if they knew what was going on with this dealer all along?
Anyway, I've now got my new car!!! Just got to pay fer it!:)
Many thanks for your help.

A success story !!!!!:D Yes what a result !!!!!:D .

Glad the old "im going to the police about this fraud" bull worked, I told you that finance companies dont like the plod involved !!!!!;)

I wish you many happy miles in with your new motor & dont forget that im here for the nice things in life too, not just bent HP companies and bloody car ports !!!!!:D
A friend of mine got a speeding ticket on the A75 in Scotland. He was issued with a ticket by the policeman, but he forgot to sign it. Can he get off with the offence on a 'technicality, or is he banged to rights? Thanks
Need a bit more information,

What was the speed limit for the road ?

How fast was he going when he got caught ?

What type of speed detection device was the policeman using ?

What was the time of day ?

What was the weather like ?

Was the Policeman a panda bobby or a traffic officer ?

Was he stopped by an unmarked or marked vehicle ?

Did he admit the offence ?

Was the offence shown to him,ie, camera speed, video etc ?

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