On the contrary.
Nearly deaded when I got it the first time before my first jab, had 3 jabs now and I'm still functional just a bit weak .
Possible that I got some immunity from the original infection of course and the jabs may or may not have boosted that.
After Yellow fever vaccine you don't get Yellow fever, after Small pox vaccine you don't get Small pox after Tetanus vaccine you don't get Tetanus, after lots of Covid vaccine you still get Covid. No one really knows if the vaccine still reduces the infection or not. Like the Flu vaccine, the Covid vaccine seems to be variant specific, worked well against Alpha, not at all against Beta and looking at the figures it's marginally effective against Delta and offers no protection from the much mutated Omicron.
Your symptoms correspond to those reported from South Africa indicating a milder infection
Whatever, I hope you are soon back to full health.
On the contrary.
Nearly deaded when I got it the first time before my first jab, had 3 jabs now and I'm still functional just a bit weak .
Possible that I got some immunity from the original infection of course and the jabs may or may not have boosted that.
Hope you're all better soon,at least being jabbed should mean the virus shouldn't be fatal.;) Stay safe.
View attachment 254881 Goldie sneaking in on the tractor run :)
Farmer Christmas looking tired :D
After Yellow fever vaccine you don't get Yellow fever, after Small pox vaccine you don't get Small pox after Tetanus vaccine you don't get Tetanus, after lots of Covid vaccine you still get Covid. No one really knows if the vaccine still reduces the infection or not. Like the Flu vaccine, the Covid vaccine seems to be variant specific, worked well against Alpha, not at all against Beta and looking at the figures it's marginally effective against Delta and offers no protection from the much mutated Omicron.
Your symptoms correspond to those reported from South Africa indicating a milder infection
Whatever, I hope you are soon back to full health.

We know full well what the vaccine does. It stops the majority of people dying and indeed being hospitalised. They don't stop you catching it although the majority don't get symptoms, although that may have changed with Omicron.

Different diseases work different ways. Have measles or the vaccine and you don't get it again. The herpes virus can strike multiple times, pror infection or vaccine. One of the coronaviruses that causes the common cold will infect you time and again and guess what, another coronavirus SARS-CoV2 does the same. You can look wherever you like in the world and all the evidence is there unless you're only looking for numbers that back your beliefs.
I think vaccine is the wrong word. I don't know what the right term is but vaccine isn't it.
Or, is it just a bad vaccine on don't of being rushed over months instead of years/decades?
It sort of works, but doesn't immunise you
I did wonder if they were supposed to be on mine but I could see the odd speck of black. I pictured them in silver and it didn't seem right unless I painted the grill silver too so black it became.
On another note, I've not driven her since it went into the garage for the second autobox oil change last Wednesday (?). I'd gone ill Wednesday night, thought it was a cold but I've tested positive again as has the Doris and my son. Daughter is on a naval base and now isn't allowed home for Xmas, no relatives allowed for Xmas dinner either.
Good job I like turkey cos there's gonna be loads of it:D

Well it now looks like my Christmas will be much like yours eldest son has just tested positive, so we are now locked down with a big turkey and large cake:D
We know full well what the vaccine does. It stops the majority of people dying and indeed being hospitalised. They don't stop you catching it although the majority don't get symptoms, although that may have changed with Omicron.

Different diseases work different ways. Have measles or the vaccine and you don't get it again. The herpes virus can strike multiple times, pror infection or vaccine. One of the coronaviruses that causes the common cold will infect you time and again and guess what, another coronavirus SARS-CoV2 does the same. You can look wherever you like in the world and all the evidence is there unless you're only looking for numbers that back your beliefs.
I don't wish to be drawn into the general Vax debate, but the mechanism for herpes you've described isn't quite right. Once the Herpes virus is in your body, you have it. For life. Infection doesn't prevent you getting it again, because it never fully goes away. It lies dormant for variable amounts of time in people who get symptoms. Some people don't get symptoms.
I don't wish to be drawn into the general Vax debate, but the mechanism for herpes you've described isn't quite right. Once the Herpes virus is in your body, you have it. For life. Infection doesn't prevent you getting it again, because it never fully goes away. It lies dormant for variable amounts of time in people who get symptoms. Some people don't get symptoms.

Yes, chicken pox and shingles for one example.

Measles is an interesting one, it can reset immunity so you can be reinfected. I could go on but the point I was trying to make is that just because it works one way for some infections doesn't mean it works that way for all
I think vaccine is the wrong word. I don't know what the right term is but vaccine isn't it.
Or, is it just a bad vaccine on don't of being rushed over months instead of years/decades?
It sort of works, but doesn't immunise you

It works better than the flu vaccine. It mimics the action of the actual virus to promote an immune response and train the body so if the real thing comes along it knows how to react. There are all sorts of ways to do this. It could be a similar virus at low level or deactivated virus or just a tiny part of the virus. As long as it triggers a similar immune response and gives sone protection it counts.

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