supercharged again
We know full well what the vaccine does. It stops the majority of people dying and indeed being hospitalised. They don't stop you catching it although the majority don't get symptoms, although that may have changed with Omicron.

Different diseases work different ways. Have measles or the vaccine and you don't get it again. The herpes virus can strike multiple times, pror infection or vaccine. One of the coronaviruses that causes the common cold will infect you time and again and guess what, another coronavirus SARS-CoV2 does the same. You can look wherever you like in the world and all the evidence is there unless you're only looking for numbers that back your beliefs.
Most of the figures are downright lies as has been admitted. Go into hospital with cardiac arrest and test positive for Covid and you will be listed as having died of or with Covid. Excess deaths over the rolling monthly average are the only figures that give some indication of the real death toll.
I have a bit of experience of the No Hope Service lying.
Most of the figures are downright lies as has been admitted. Go into hospital with cardiac arrest and test positive for Covid and you will be listed as having died of or with Covid. Excess deaths over the rolling monthly average are the only figures that give some indication of the real death toll.
I have a bit of experience of the No Hope Service lying.

No, that is incorrect. In some cases covid causes the admission however it will not be listed as primary cause. However, this is not the vast majority of admissions, the vast majority (especially during the waves) are primarily for covid. Both lots of numbers are out there.

For the purposes of balance the vaccines are not without risk. We know this but in almost all cases the same risks apply to covid itself but orders of magnitude worse. This link applies predominantly to the RNA vaccines but the same principles apply to others and it has a lot of information. Just to be clear I have been triple-jabbed. For my age group the risk of what we know will happen with CoViD19 infections massively outweighs the risks (potential and actual) described here but I think it is important you know what possible risks there are:

The comment on the end about chemicals and organic food shows the author's mindset but we need people to take the opposing view and keep us alert. I think the benefits in the under 18s are very much more debateable and the 18 – 30 age group borderline.
Go into hospital with cardiac arrest and test positive for Covid and you will be listed as having died of or with Covid.
Same with accident statistics though.
Traffic light controlled cross roads, 2 sober drivers, one going through on green, one runs red light. Accident.
Sober driver runs red light, collides with drunk driver correctly proceeding through on green, classed a drink related accident.
Same with accident statistics though.
Traffic light controlled cross roads, 2 sober drivers, one going through on green, one runs red light. Accident.
Sober driver runs red light, collides with drunk driver correctly proceeding through on green, classed a drink related accident.
Where the analogy breaks down is that the police aren't financially incentivised to record drink drive deaths, whereas the NHS is.
There were recorded cases of people without covid being placed on covid wards because they had respiratory symptoms. Those people inevitably (being vulnerable to covid) got covid and if they then died of either illness they get recorded as a covid death and the NHS trust got a financial bonus.
In some cases people were kept on covid wards and had to return multiple negative PCR tests before they eventually got covid.

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