We is now once again open fer business after putting the partially collapsed marquee back up and shovelling up the beer cans.

Can't see any blood stains and I appear to have as many teeth as I began the evening with so assuming it went well :D

We had an indepth and lively discussion after his mates turned up on the relative merits of owning a 1966 rrc 90 which seemed mostly to revolve around Pikey being a fish shagger.....on which there was general agreement :p

More importantly FinallySnapped has been sent to fetch bacon....

the post has been deleted from fb from the looks of things :p no doubt wanting the evidence that its a ringer removed :D
During the debate with the alleged ex owner that works for the HA, he told me that the 2006 ABS axles fitted to the vehicle built prior to 1998 were worth lots of money and that he shoulda stripped em off it and sold em.

His argument when pointed out that RRC weren't around in 1966 was that he just wanted to shut us up over the difference between coils and leafers.

When asked by TC which part of it was 1966 he told us that 2 windows were 1966.

I tried to explain the difference between changing a stolen vehicles id in order to make it seem legit, ie ringing, and erm..... Changing a vehicles Id to make it seem like a 1966.

I don't believe the vehicle is stolen but I think I was flogging a dead horse when I tried to point out the fact that vehicles like the one that started this argument don't make the job of sorting out stolen vehicles any easier for the police.
Maybe when LZ goes to shows, the participants should be given these........ 110w?



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MudFeaver turned up yesterday with LOADS OF CAKE :D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Although it mostly went in about 5 minutes.

I'm back home now, after a more successful 2hr 30 min journey home (compared to 7 there)

Good company and a good laugh. Not loads going off at the show, but, plenty of activity on the LZ stall :)

To whom ever supplied the lovely curry on the Friday night and provided us all with Sporks (asking nicely they were returned) I managed to steal it... can you PM me your address so I can return it to you... sorry :eek:
They seem to be keeping a close eye on it at the moment for some reason. :rolleyes:

Ratty surely you have contacts with the cops to bring to there attention these 2 doggy Fenders, purple 1 also and they could be on the road waiting for them when they leave :D and give them a very good check chassis ID check,
just got back in from the show, not the best show ever been to and no real bargains to be had, nice to see few of the regulars and hope they got freddy's wheel bearing finished,
They seem to be keeping a close eye on it at the moment for some reason. :rolleyes:

I cant see why....
Shirley the whole point of these posts are that it is unlikely to be legal - and therefore uninsured - you are unlikely to cause criminal damage - are ya? :rolleyes:

wonder if AF are aware????
Beasty, can you make sure you take deasy's blue display boards ,back to yours after the show and I'll grab them from you at some point. .ta muchly :)

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