how runny is it freddy, it could be bearing grease or even swivel grease

It was runny enough to make nice stripes down the outside of my tyre.
I thought it was swivel grease to start with but that would be on the inside of the tyre, and there's no grease on the discs or brakes. But once I took the wheel off the inside of the wheel is totally covered and you can see from the picture all the fresh grease around the hub seal.
Oh and another thing doing this I just found out that my poxy arsed hydraulic jack isn't tall enough to actually take a wheel off.. It just about lifts it so you can see the tyre move but that's it.
Good to find out before I needed to change a wheel in an emergency :(
It was runny enough to make nice stripes down the outside of my tyre.
I thought it was swivel grease to start with but that would be on the inside of the tyre, and there's no grease on the discs or brakes. But once I took the wheel off the inside of the wheel is totally covered and you can see from the picture all the fresh grease around the hub seal.
swivel grease could come out of drive flange through stub axle if cv moved , though what were bearings lubed with
swivel grease could come out of drive flange through stub axle if cv moved , though what were bearings lubed with

I didn't know that, but that's not saying much cos there's not a lot I do know...

The bearings where lubed with grease gun grease.. The stuff that was leaked all over the place was black like one shot.
I didn't know that, but that's not saying much cos there's not a lot I do know...

The bearings where lubed with grease gun grease.. The stuff that was leaked all over the place was black like one shot.
id be tempted to pull stub axle off check seal and cv fit ,reset bearings and shim cv
I'd be tempted to clean the **** off see what bearing outer looks like for grease and contaminants, refit the flange with sealant and top up swivel hub.
As you live over an hour away from me and ratty is maybe 15 mins away-ask him nicely and he may swing by
I'm ####ed then cos you lost me.... :confused:
I'll go and have a beer I think.
someone then ,there is a reason why oneshot has travelled ,moving cv or overfill etc, you may just fill hub up with oneshot ,which you wont notice till it appears on inner side of tyre

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