He's also just admitted that until recently he always used the company car fuel card for ALL his own vehicles.

He just has tax scammer written all over him :/
Nope... he has a rather OTT 101... shouldn't be hard to find that

Right, gonna have to go soon, we need to kill the generator

I know who you mean ;) he was selling that 101 ambulance as a barn find on ebay a week or so back will see if I can link a username from ebay to something on a forum or social site
I know who you mean ;) he was selling that 101 ambulance as a barn find on ebay a week or so back will see if I can link a username from ebay to something on a forum or social site

I admire your diligence, but isn't this sort of thing usually Fanatic's job?
nearly just the last row to fit but i havent got the metal tool to fit it ,was going to buy one but thought £10 i could make one for pence ,looking to borrow one tomorrow
nearly just the last row to fit but i havent got the metal tool to fit it ,was going to buy one but thought £10 i could make one for pence ,looking to borrow one tomorrow

ok,all it is, is a bent bit of bar turned up at opposing ends.

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