Don't keep us in suspenders.....
Did he get out alive and just flayed?

Have the pigs arrived yet?
Has Fanny had his 3some?
Have yu found a bf for 110w?
When's brekky?
Anyroadup. We divert.

Wots the heads up on illegal motors.......????

not to sure,i think the doc is/has reported it to some authority or other.just have to see what or if anything transpires.sounded as though it got pretty lively over it though in the tent.
All good fun, have to ask why someone would invest stupid money in a project and risk seizure and crushing, try telling us it was a series 2, then 1966 rrc and then a world of **** when caught out.

Some short little ****er came gobbing off so I explained that he could #### off, no fights and ended in them leaving after blue beasty and redhand etc grilling them.

Other than that-well wait and see
We is now once again open fer business after putting the partially collapsed marquee back up and shovelling up the beer cans.

Can't see any blood stains and I appear to have as many teeth as I began the evening with so assuming it went well :D

We had an indepth and lively discussion after his mates turned up on the relative merits of owning a 1966 rrc 90 which seemed mostly to revolve around Pikey being a fish shagger.....on which there was general agreement :p

More importantly FinallySnapped has been sent to fetch bacon....

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