Look it up mate,google,theres charts of compatibles,plus this....

vegetableoildiesel.co.uk - Powered by XMB

but,on the whole,common rail engines need some careful investigation and,sometimes,adjustment.As a rule of thumb,its not just "dump in the oil and burn it cos it'll be alright and it aint a disaster if it doesnt" like with DI engines.

That said,it may well be that you can simply pour and go with your sprinter,I really couldnt say....and with the price of MB parts I'd say a little time spent checking for yourself would be worth more than one of us saying it was OK.
I,ll tell you what, my Disco goes like stink on that sunflower oil ! Much better than that fossil crap .After all Rudolph Diesel invented the original engine to run on peanut oil. Wish I could get it that cheap all the time ! :D
I was reading an old post and someone said you can forget the diesel and add 5% petrol to the veggie oil to thin it. Is anyone running on this mix ? It works out cheaper than 80/ 20 veg/diesel.
I was reading an old post and someone said you can forget the diesel and add 5% petrol to the veggie oil to thin it. Is anyone running on this mix ? It works out cheaper than 80/ 20 veg/diesel.

loads of people on the veg forum run 5% unleaded 95% veg
Yeah,I have run on that,works fine.Follow the link I put up above to the veg oil forum,its all on there
Straight down the neck,Danny ! I pours it in seperate then jumps up and down on the bumper to mix it ;)
Well I'm well and truly Gob-smacked!!!!!! :eek:

Never knew that you could add pure vegetable oil to anything except a stir fry!!!! :p
any of you no if my sprinter 2.9 will be good on the sunflower oil , cheers guys as its £110 to fill it now bloody expensive

Trade it in for a Merc Jogger, uses less fuel but takes a lil longer to get there.:D

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