If you run on oil or bio its best to recorded what you are using the limit is 2499L a year and if you do get dipped you could be asked to prove what you are using or used in the last 12 months but they are generally only looking for Red but better to be safe than sorry.
i was lookin at my log book and where it says fuel type it says HEAVY OIL NOT DIESEL so to run it on any HEAVY OIL will be fine !!! cos ur runnin on veggie oil which is classed as heavy i believe !

have a look on urs !!!!

(think so anyways haha:rolleyes:)
If you run on oil or bio its best to recorded what you are using the limit is 2499L a year and if you do get dipped you could be asked to prove what you are using or used in the last 12 months but they are generally only looking for Red but better to be safe than sorry.

Alternatively all you gotta do is show yer previous mot certificates if you do less than 20k miles a year.
LOL its nothing to do with your log book saying heay oil and who ever told you that is talking out their arse heavy oil does not mean Tescos veg oil or if you do think that then why are you not in a lower tax bracket on your car due to lower emmisions.
Most LR's running on veg oil would be pre 2001 so would still be in the old engine size tax system, regardless of emissions
went down to tescos at 12;30am when i read this post, and got the last 6 bottles on the shelf, so I'm going back now to get more !!!
I tried to order on-line yesterday, was limited to 4 bottles (Having seen some order 60 bottles as a time!)...
Went in Store, was limited to purchase 2 bottles, + 2 free..... Damb U Mr Tesco!
Might pop back after work to by another 4, another 4, another 4, another 4....(Sorry, I developed a stutter!)...
Well i fancy running veg oil in my disco but ive been told i need to register as a biodiesel producer.
Can anyone tell me if i need to and where?
surely you can get down to a cash n carry like makro and pick up a pallet?

or what about chippys and chineses? they buy it in 25 litre drums...!
surely you can get down to a cash n carry like makro and pick up a pallet?

or what about chippys and chineses? they buy it in 25 litre drums...!

Thats true...current price is circa 80ppl (for Rape seed oil, Soya oil is a bit cheaper)...Tesco's stuff works/worked out about half that price....

Additionally, the stuff in Cash&Carry/Makro etc contains anti-foaming agents which, I understand, isnt a desired additive in an oil being used as fuel....
surely you can get down to a cash n carry like makro and pick up a pallet?

or what about chippys and chineses? they buy it in 25 litre drums...!

Have used makro a few times best deal for them is the 15litre tubs at around £11.50. If you get the 20 or 25 litre it costs more per litre for some reason :)

Tescos bogof offer works out much cheaper. I bought 10 bottles / 30 litres at the weekend for around £12.50

makro = 77p per litre
tesco = 42p per litre :)

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