Just been down to Stockport and there was 42 bottles on shelf. I took the lot . They scanned at 28p :) The guy asked if I cooked alot :D. I then went to two other local Tesco but it was a wipe out :( I could drive round all day and find more empty shelves so I,ll just be pleasedl I got some. Ive ordered 12 online but there is a delivery charge of 3 pounds. Good luck to you if you go looking ,bargains like that dont last long.

Nice one Danny-almost as cheap as my bio ,without the faffing around-glad you got some mate :)
My mate just tried to buy some online for me but he said it came up as "out of stock" Looks like they realise they made a mistake !
Shame pity we couldn't have have done "price comparison thing where they refund twice the difference"
thanks....have sent the better half to clear the shelves of the local tesco..a reported success scanned at 28p
Warwick all sold out..own up who was it? May try tomorrow but i reckon they've realised their mistake..

As regards the price..on the ticket on the shelf it says 'save 28p' but also £1.09 (i think) as well as 2.8p per 100ml...so its all a bit pete tong really...still, congrats to those that filled their boots..and tanks...and trailers!
Just tried the big tesco at Accrington, marked up on shelf at £1.58 (i think), asked one of the bods on shop floor to check for me, and he said "it might have been 28p off, but it's definitely as marked (£1.58) now.
Bugger i always miss out on stiff like this :(:(:(:(:(

So got 3 boxes of Stella for £20 to cheer me up;););)
Just been to Grove Green store in Maidstone, shelf was empty but was priced at 28p so then tried on line and it says product not avaliable.

So bugger to late :mad:
Yip sorry people I just came back from tesco and they have withdrawn it from the shelves. Fooked the price up. Bastards I was too slow on that one.

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