Looks like a very thorough job. It's many years since I've taken an engine apart like that (back in the days of Morris Oxfords and Triumph Heralds) but should my TD5 give up the ghost I'll use this as my inspiration.
Hi Thanks for your nice feedback!
Yes my last full strip down was a Mini engine in 1980 something!
Being a Landy its now sulking by leaking fuel from the rear pipes above the tank, so tank out this week, new pipes in and hopefully back on the road by the weekend!
Hi all. Although Im up and running again, I still have a misfire and white smoke, so its not happy!
The white smoke is unburt fuel (acrid and "heavy", rather than steam) so as suspected the injectors will need re-coding.
Ive been looking for someone local to me, Herts/Beds area, who can come and do it onsite.

Can anyone help with recommending someone? Im sure I did have a reply on this thread suggesting a company but I cant find it!

Hi all. Although Im up and running again, I still have a misfire and white smoke, so its not happy!
The white smoke is unburt fuel (acrid and "heavy", rather than steam) so as suspected the injectors will need re-coding.
Ive been looking for someone local to me, Herts/Beds area, who can come and do it onsite.

Can anyone help with recommending someone? Im sure I did have a reply on this thread suggesting a company but I cant find it!

That seems a bit radical to be caused by the injector coding, I thought the codes were just fine tuning which is given to the ecu based upon the test pattern of each injector, of course it's best to have them right, but didn't think it would make so much difference to have them wrong.
What about some of the recent nanocom group buy people they are probably twitching to code some injectors. Wonder if there are any near you?
I'm a bit far away but if you look in the post another nanocom group buy maybe some kind soul would help.
Hi Ray
Ive had a chat with Rogers over in Bedford, they also suggested injector codes and can take a look at it but its a bit too smokey to drive.

Diesel Bob did say the tolerances allowed on the TD5 injectors were very wide, he set them all to much tighter limits and did say they may need re-coding but the machine to generate the codes costs £15k!!! The Nanocom programs the ECU, I will get one if required, but what Im after is a way of generating new codes for the injectors.
Ive already checked each injector by unplugging the loom a one at a time, all are working.

Ive sent a message to Alive Tuning so ill see what they say.

Ah I see now, I would imagine the kit to test an injector and issue a code for it would be complex, I have seen something on YouTube where they were testing them, what a pity after all your hard work, must be very frustrating.
Did this happen from when you started the engine or come on gradually?
I would be interested to see all the readings for the engine when running just to know what the maf and the map sensors are saying, also on the nanocom you can see the compensation that the ecu is making to balance the engine at each injector which is a good guide to the health of each individual cylinder.
Maybe alive tuning will help, seem to be well regarded, I spoke with them at Rippley this year.
Hi Ray
Yes its pretty frustrating! It started really well first time, revved nicely, not much smoke, then as it warmed up it started to misfire.
Still starts fine but the white smoke is there when you rev up and is def not oil or water.
Had a reply from Alive they are sending me info on an agent who could come out to me.
Worse case is I take the injectors out and send them to another company for coding, or I buy a Nanocom and have a play myself.
What I was trying to find out was what the code means? Can I "translate it" to so I can basically create my own codes? But if Diesel Bob cant, its unlikely I can!
Still, have to look on the bright side, my 10 year old Ford Focus C-max just sailed through its MOT 1st time this morning, so at least my back up car is ok!!!

Hi Ray
Yes its pretty frustrating! It started really well first time, revved nicely, not much smoke, then as it warmed up it started to misfire.
Still starts fine but the white smoke is there when you rev up and is def not oil or water.
Had a reply from Alive they are sending me info on an agent who could come out to me.
Worse case is I take the injectors out and send them to another company for coding, or I buy a Nanocom and have a play myself.
What I was trying to find out was what the code means? Can I "translate it" to so I can basically create my own codes? But if Diesel Bob cant, its unlikely I can!
Still, have to look on the bright side, my 10 year old Ford Focus C-max just sailed through its MOT 1st time this morning, so at least my back up car is ok!!!

I wonder if getting the injectors done like that would be cost effective? Do you think it may be worth while looking for someone trust worthy to get a second hand set? They are supposed to be pretty long life components.
I have bought some bits from a place in the south west who seem to play pretty fair, but there are also some people who put things on e bay which are only fit for the bin.
See what alive say I am sure they have plenty experience.
Good news on the Focus though, my wife has one and quite honestly it's a joy to drive, she just doesn't see why I want the defender.
Ha ha, +1 on the Focus, its done Scotland and back quite a few times now.....and not blown up!!
Alive put me onto their local guys in Herts, they are coming back to me with a price, but they sub it out so its probably not going to be cheap!
Price is all relative I guess, the injectors have been rebuilt so I (hope) I know that they are good. So its worth getting the set up sorted properly.
If the visiting injector guy is under £400 ill use him but otherwise ill buy a Nanocom and have a go at it myself, then ebay the Nanocom after!!
Ha ha, +1 on the Focus, its done Scotland and back quite a few times now.....and not blown up!!
Alive put me onto their local guys in Herts, they are coming back to me with a price, but they sub it out so its probably not going to be cheap!
Price is all relative I guess, the injectors have been rebuilt so I (hope) I know that they are good. So its worth getting the set up sorted properly.
If the visiting injector guy is under £400 ill use him but otherwise ill buy a Nanocom and have a go at it myself, then ebay the Nanocom after!!
I opened a new thread asking if anyone knows can the Defender TD5 Nanocom read the engine management of the discovery TD5, I have the Nanocom but it is for defender, it may be completely locked to one vehicle, but maybe if it will help on the Discovery you could borrow it, may help pin down the problems and save you buying one just to have to sell again.
Thanks for looking into that Ray, and for the kind offer of the loan Nanocom!
Im now travelling for a few weeks so I wont be doing anything more on it until the end of October, Alive Tunings guy didnt get back to me so looks like ill be sorting it myself!
Thanks for looking into that Ray, and for the kind offer of the loan Nanocom!
Im now travelling for a few weeks so I wont be doing anything more on it until the end of October, Alive Tunings guy didnt get back to me so looks like ill be sorting it myself!
Sorry it did not work out but I'm sure someone will have the correct kit and be willing to help.
Update and bad news! Taking a que from the Dynachip thread on Disco section, I just had a chat with Mike at Dynachip.
Couple of observations:
Apparently TD5 injectors are rarely ever re-built
If they are rebuilt they must be calibrated on a special machine, mine were not.

You cant "make up" a code and hope it works, he cant and and a Nanocom cant either.
BUT more significantly, even if you mix up the injectors it usually would only cause a mild misfire at some revs, it would not produce white smoke, like mine is!

The fact that my engine did run really well at first then started missing and smoking, lead him to conclude that the head could be cracked again!
He didnt rate head repairs on TD5,s although I know a few people on here have had no problems with repaired heads.
But the guy who did mine did say the crack was quite bad.

So action plan?
Recheck everything just to make sure nothing obvious is wrong with it.
Pull the injectors and make sure ive not missed anything.
Replace head? or sell car for Spares or Repair :-(
Update and bad news! Taking a que from the Dynachip thread on Disco section, I just had a chat with Mike at Dynachip.
Couple of observations:
Apparently TD5 injectors are rarely ever re-built
If they are rebuilt they must be calibrated on a special machine, mine were not.

You cant "make up" a code and hope it works, he cant and and a Nanocom cant either.
BUT more significantly, even if you mix up the injectors it usually would only cause a mild misfire at some revs, it would not produce white smoke, like mine is!

The fact that my engine did run really well at first then started missing and smoking, lead him to conclude that the head could be cracked again!
He didnt rate head repairs on TD5,s although I know a few people on here have had no problems with repaired heads.
But the guy who did mine did say the crack was quite bad.

So action plan?
Recheck everything just to make sure nothing obvious is wrong with it.
Pull the injectors and make sure ive not missed anything.
Replace head? or sell car for Spares or Repair :-(
That's a dogs bum.
I thought the coding would not give such a big problem as you describe, I did not suspect the head again though, might be a plan to pull the cover off and put on the ignition to see if you can see any weeping from the injector pocket. where it is cracked, I heard that that can be a give away as the diesel is pressurised to 4 bar by the tank pump.
I have seen some post from people who have had the head repaired and it seems to be OK, so cross fingers, you are still welcome to a loan of the Nanocom if it will help you out, I will be in Germany next week though.
I know this is a kick in the nuts after all you have done to it but perhaps look at the head first take it step by step, and decide what to do I am sure there are people on this forum who can offer advice/help.
By the way did you dip the oil? is it increasing in level or smelling of Diesel?

One day you will look back at this and laugh.:rolleyes:
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Hi Ray
Yes its a bit gutting but ill check it all properly before I whip my tools out!
I did comment in the thread that the repair may not be successful.
But im still trying to figure out how a crack can allow fuel to get into a cylinder without doing other things like blowing out the coolant.
Oil level looks ok, no diesel smell.
If I do have to replace the head, and im loath to sell the car cheap, I may look at these people "Autotech Cylinder Heads" they are on eBay, £625.00
Anyone heard of them?
Hi Ray
Yes its a bit gutting but ill check it all properly before I whip my tools out!
I did comment in the thread that the repair may not be successful.
But im still trying to figure out how a crack can allow fuel to get into a cylinder without doing other things like blowing out the coolant.
Oil level looks ok, no diesel smell.
If I do have to replace the head, and im loath to sell the car cheap, I may look at these people "Autotech Cylinder Heads" they are on eBay, £625.00
Anyone heard of them?
I'm not the world's top expert but I would say start with a question not an answer look into this and do it with an open mind. If the injector pocket was cracked I would expect diesel leaking into the oil maybe what you have is something different.
I have a nagging suspicion that its down to No1 Injector.
When I put the injectors back in the they all seated with a dull "clunk" except No1, It made a more metallic sound, checked it a few times to make sure the bottom of the solenoid was not hitting the repair weld but there was def a gap, but it didnt seem right, so maybe in all my checking I left out the fire washer!

Anyway Ill check everything but not for am few weeks.

But on Monday ill call Diesel Bob and get his opinion.
I wondered about the washer if the injector is not seated and sealed then it could be dumping fuel into the cylinder, strange that it came on over a period, rather than being there at start up but it is worth checking and happy days if that is it.
Thanks Ray!
Ive dug up a few companies who have the proper testers.
Ill talk with Diesel Bob first.

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