
New Member

I've recently finished rebuilding the head of my TD5 after a lifter went.
Most things were replaced at the same time (gaskets, inject seals, all bolts etc).

It's now loosing a fair bit of coolant with no obvious leak.
There is some white smoke on startup, however after a minute or two this goes away (it's also 0c here at the moment, I suspect the glow plugs might be iffy as I damaged the connectors slightly removing them).
It runs lumpy on a cold start as if its running on 3 cylinders for a few seconds.

The coolant hoses are firm, but still able to be squished once the engine is hot.
It seems to retain a bit of pressure overnight, but the hoses go back to being very squishy.
No obvious oil in the coolant.
No obvious coolant in the oil.
Oil level is not increasing.
Car is not overheating.

I replaced the radiator cap recently (PCD100160 not OEM).

Any thoughts on where to start with this? Will a sniff test show if its a head gasket issue / cracked head?


After topping it up with a few more L of coolant, its now NOT loosing it at such an alarming rate!
I accidently left the bleed screw slightly undone while driving it to work, and I suspect allowing it to get hot & at high rpm with the screw undone forced some trapped air out of the system.

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