
New Member
Dear all,

new to this site, and having a problem with my Freelander TD4 on 52 plate.

I had lost power, and there is an air escaping noise from passenger side of engine.
I have had the Freelander on a diagnostics machine, and it pointed to a Airflow controller to the Turbo. :confused:
which has been replaced.
Now the power is nearly all back, but still a little sluggish above 3000rpm and the noise is still there.:mad:
All turbo pipes i belive have been checked.

although i have found a small hole that emit's air when engine running.
this hole is in the air filter housing, on the passenger side, should this have some kind of bung in it.:confused:

any help would be gratefully received,

Welcome to the forum Weety,

Hang in there for a while and some of the more technical guys will probably come back to you with some advice
check the intercooler pipes, there must be a leak somewhere if you can hear an air rushing noise when you're driving
weety001 said:
although i have found a small hole that emit's air when engine running.
this hole is in the air filter housing, on the passenger side, should this have some kind of bung in it.:confused:

any help would be gratefully received,


howdo weety!
Have a check of the Air filter cover If it aint seated properly this could give you the escaping air noise, If this hole you describe is what i think it is ( a cable clip mounting) It shouldnt let air out, because it dont go right into the filter housing, Its like a false end if you like. But like clutchdust says, It sounds like you have a hole in one of the intercooler hoses.
But check the airbox top first, that could be making more noise than yer leaky hose.
mondo said:
howdo weety!
Have a check of the Air filter cover If it aint seated properly this could give you the escaping air noise, If this hole you describe is what i think it is ( a cable clip mounting) It shouldnt let air out, because it dont go right into the filter housing, Its like a false end if you like. But like clutchdust says, It sounds like you have a hole in one of the intercooler hoses.
But check the airbox top first, that could be making more noise than yer leaky hose.

hey mondo, i tell ya what i have had before, this was on a new car, serious lack of power and it was the air box lid not put on properly from the factroy, strange that one as even if the lid was off, you're not getting un-metered air into the engine so why did it cause it? hmmm
clutchdust said:
hey mondo, i tell ya what i have had before, this was on a new car, serious lack of power and it was the air box lid not put on properly from the factroy, strange that one as even if the lid was off, you're not getting un-metered air into the engine so why did it cause it? hmmm

Thats wot i dont get about this AT sensor, Why read the temp at that point, surely it would be more benificial to measure the temp after its gone thro the intercooler,?

But then I'm just a daft sparky and dont design engines for a livin :rolleyes:

PS. I was only thinkin about the noise if the lid wernt on rite
Thanks for your information,

I spoke to my local Landrover dealer, yesterday. told them the symptoms and they suggested it was a colapsing pipe to the turbo.
So i will be popping down to there place on saturday morning to let them take a look, the price for half an hour looking is £35.

will keep you all posted.

Hi weety . . . Um all the other Earthling are correct ya should get no air inrush at that part ,so that would be the first place ta repair, a collapsed hose would in fact give a very poor perfomance factor [very very noticable]. . .
OK Results from Guy Salmon Landrover Leeds.

spilt turbo hose.
total cost of £42

this included a 41 point check on the car and a couple of free coffee's

service was good too.

so i guess most of you guys can give yourselves a pat on the back for a correct prediction.



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