I only wish some others on here felt the same :doh:
After recent comments, i do have to say I desire to currently keep quite a low profile and sadly am finding myself currently spending less time on this board than i could.

Hi Colin

Please do not listen to the member in question, I as well as a lot of the other members on here are very grateful for your contribution to this board. Not many other manufactures are on here providing such help and in depth advice about there products and freely give up knowledge about these complex cars to help us all out.

yu need a thick skin on here, Colin - we dont take prisoners - but your opinion and experience is invaluable, even if we do kick yu in the nuts every know and then :D.
Well i do appreciate you taking time to reply Colin :)

I'm not sure when you looked at the cables but the 61A (made in 2001) that i have definately has a 47 ohm resistor in series with the K line, the L line is straight through.
However the 1996 Grey lead is straight through but has the 47 res in the small dtc0058A connector.

I was toying with the idea of replacing the current connectors with something more freely available and making my own leads.

The cablecheck routine in RDS is easily bypassed but you probably know that ;)

Ooh! What's a "Contributory Member"? Haven't seen that before. Quite fancy that.. how much? Presumably if it had to do with value to the forum people like our own young Matt here, or Irish or Data or BoB or about a couple of hundred others would get it.
Ooh! What's a "Contributory Member"? Haven't seen that before. Quite fancy that.. how much? Presumably if it had to do with value to the forum people like our own young Matt here, or Irish or Data or BoB or about a couple of hundred others would get it.

Contributory member means "donate" look at the top of the page left hand side and you will see the donate button. After you have donated it is allegedly possible to make your handle turn red:eek:
I reckon Colin is pretty helpfull but he doesn't always come across well, at least not to me he doesn't, so he has had a bit of stick from me on occasion. Overall though better to have him than not have him as his depth of knowledge on the electronics is probably unbeatable.
Spent the morning at the dealership metering out the cables, found the 12 way connectors so will order them monday and start making some new ones with a switch box to do all the J1962 cables in one.
I reckon Colin is pretty helpfull but he doesn't always come across well, at least not to me he doesn't, so he has had a bit of stick from me on occasion. Overall though better to have him than not have him as his depth of knowledge on the electronics is probably unbeatable.

And here again, I agree. There's a lot of kudos and respect due to him simply for having gotten to the bottom of the diagnostic mire and surfaced a winner. There are many bodies littered by the roadside of those who tried but failed. To be fair Colin is also pretty open minded about differing opinions so kudos there too. My biggest peeve is simply this - business to one side, on this forum I like to think we're here to help each other. Most people don't know and don't ask what the other's job is. If you can offer advice to get someone out of a mess, then that's all that's wanted and having a few laughs along the way is a bonus. But its when people say "I know but I won't tell you" I start to wonder what's the point of even saying that?

Spent the morning at the dealership metering out the cables, found the 12 way connectors so will order them monday and start making some new ones with a switch box to do all the J1962 cables in one.

I'd be very interested to read how you get along, Phil. Good luck!
And here again, I agree. There's a lot of kudos and respect due to him simply for having gotten to the bottom of the diagnostic mire and surfaced a winner. There are many bodies littered by the roadside of those who tried but failed. To be fair Colin is also pretty open minded about differing opinions so kudos there too. My biggest peeve is simply this - business to one side, on this forum I like to think we're here to help each other. Most people don't know and don't ask what the other's job is. If you can offer advice to get someone out of a mess, then that's all that's wanted and having a few laughs along the way is a bonus. But its when people say "I know but I won't tell you" I start to wonder what's the point of even saying that?

I'd be very interested to read how you get along, Phil. Good luck!

Different business model these days what with intelectual property rights and all that. On my stuff the software was all open source, but any developments that the customer made had to be fed back to me. Bit like Open Office software in principle.:D
After you have donated it is allegedly possible to make your handle turn red

As far as i understood, your name should turn RED automatically and you should only then be able to change your title.

After contributing the Max donation possible via paypal some time back, Mine did not automatically turn Red. After someone assumed that because my Title / Name was not Red, i had not donated and suggested i should, i looked into my controls and discovered i could change my title, not even sure if that had always been possible anyway, but no "change colour feature" unless i missed something. :doh:

So only as a small indicator of the fact i had made a contribution, and more specifically for that thread, i changed my title slightly to "Contributary Member" I apologise if this has unfortunately led anyone to think i meant otherwise. Seems no matter what i do, there is always a critic here somewhere willing to cane me for it.

I also apologise if i came over with an "I know but ain't telling" kinda attitude.

I had already declared i know this information, albeit in another context than to be willing to freely provide and publish it, and i only replied in response to Phils "specifically directed to me" request for to provide it, in order to politely as i possibly could, explain why i could not just publish up such wiring diagrams, which thankfully i see he seems to appreciate at least.

However despite this, i have still given Phil some very valuable pointers i really did not have to, in order to help him and which certainly would have seen any of my staff instantly dismissed for doing so. I will also perhaps converse with him more privately to help guide him even further if required.

As Datatek says, i don't always choose or use the best wording to come across right, and i have repeatedly apologised for this.
ya name doesn't turn red automatically you have to do it ya self by editing ya user CP. I contributed but didn't b other changing mine to red for ages. some peeps never bother turning theirs red.
Nope, can't see any colour change option, tried adding Colour based HTML code to the title but that did not work. Reset it to defaults fo the mo.
ya name doesn't turn red automatically you have to do it ya self by editing ya user CP. I contributed but didn't b other changing mine to red for ages. some peeps never bother turning theirs red.

I never found an option in the user CP to turn my name Red, perhaps my donation was too small:( Not that bothered:D
As far as i understood, your name should turn RED automatically and you should only then be able to change your title.

After contributing the Max donation possible via paypal some time back, Mine did not automatically turn Red. After someone assumed that because my Title / Name was not Red, i had not donated and suggested i should, i looked into my controls and discovered i could change my title, not even sure if that had always been possible anyway, but no "change colour feature" unless i missed something. :doh:

So only as a small indicator of the fact i had made a contribution, and more specifically for that thread, i changed my title slightly to "Contributary Member" I apologise if this has unfortunately led anyone to think i meant otherwise. Seems no matter what i do, there is always a critic here somewhere willing to cane me for it.

I also apologise if i came over with an "I know but ain't telling" kinda attitude.

I had already declared i know this information, albeit in another context than to be willing to freely provide and publish it, and i only replied in response to Phils "specifically directed to me" request for to provide it, in order to politely as i possibly could, explain why i could not just publish up such wiring diagrams, which thankfully i see he seems to appreciate at least.

However despite this, i have still given Phil some very valuable pointers i really did not have to, in order to help him and which certainly would have seen any of my staff instantly dismissed for doing so. I will also perhaps converse with him more privately to help guide him even further if required.

As Datatek says, i don't always choose or use the best wording to come across right, and i have repeatedly apologised for this.

MSV arrived safely, looks quite smart:D Have not got beyond activating the owners account yet, got some dammed bug which is keeping me away from it:( I also have this terrible temptation to pull it apart to see whats inside.:eek: It's a temptation I shall resist:D Thanks Colin for the promo.
Hi Colin,

Don't apologise please - you'll make me feel bad! My turn to say sorry if you feel I've taken it too far. We've agreed in the past to differ on certain things and I've meanwhile made clear (I hope) my professional/technical esteem for you. We'll leave it at that.


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