What you sayin Buster...skullduggery ??
I sent Sirus a PM once because I thought it was like writing to royalty....I offered to buy him a pint in his home town out of my meagre pension. Like the Queen, the bastid didn't reply


Ah'm only sayin' that Private messages are just that... PRIVATE and aren't meant tae be posted on the open forum:doh:

HAHAHAHAHA! He was maybe brickin' himsel' incase he had tae buy ye one back mate;) :hysterically_laughi :hysterically_laughi :hysterically_laughi
What you sayin Buster...skullduggery ??
I sent Sirus a PM once because I thought it was like writing to royalty....I offered to buy him a pint in his home town out of my meagre pension. Like the Queen, the bastid didn't reply


Lying bastid.....yer never said you was buying:D:D:D
Lazarus has arisen..........

I offered to leave my pension book behind the bar as security for two halves of Bathams but the barman took one look at me with his good eye and said it was no deal as he didn't think I would see the next day in my current state of health :smokin::smokin::smokin:
Typical Yam Yam...like Royalty, never carries money except a pound note with Queen Victorias head on.
At least Gemsdad bought me a couple of pints up in Manchester dispelling all my thoughts that they were so tight that their cheeks squeaked as they walked along the street.
Off for a nightcap now.......
Lazarus has arisen..........

I offered to leave my pension book behind the bar as security for two halves of Bathams but the barman took one look at me with his good eye and said it was no deal as he didn't think I would see the next day in my current state of health :smokin::smokin::smokin:
Typical Yam Yam...like Royalty, never carries money except a pound note with Queen Victorias head on.
At least Gemsdad bought me a couple of pints up in Manchester dispelling all my thoughts that they were so tight that their cheeks squeaked as they walked along the street.
Off for a nightcap now.......
Ere who you calling LazyArse...cheeky fooker...next time your round this way I'm gonna nick your zimmer frame:D:D:D
yes i do plug my business (as do you see your signiture!) and yes i do get work from the many forums i post on and yes i know testbook is flawed and yes somtimes i do have the deceny to admit i am wrong! but having been let down by the few ,one always becomes sceptical of what others offer in the same way people are sceptical of what i offer yes factory trained can be interpreted in many ways( as with most things technicians are on bonus paid a crap wage and not in the job for what they enjoy doing it rather as a means to an end! i must be odd then my hobby is land rovers and i still enjoy it as much as my first day in my job! ) but if you were to see the level and quality of my workmanship i feel i could very easily win you round, there are people on this forum who can vouch for my work as i don't advirtise outside of forums due to costs and feel a word of mouth approach is worth more than a small add in a land rover mag or a local paper it is too that end that i have also rented a stand at this years lroi show at peterborough which i will be displaying my own and a couple of other vehicles i have worked on!
if i was so up myself would i freely give information out? no i would sneakily pm and offer help which i don't!
as people on here have done i am happy to even help over the phone in doing so fix said vehicle and loose a job but gain a happy potential client who may call on my services of help or a job to be carried out!

i'm here to help people and increase my customer base so will see how it goes once i have a few spare pennys i will contribute to the cost of hosting as i think this is a good forum from which to continue spreading my name from if the mods are ok with this thanks for the heads up and the reply cheers stuart

Yep stick around and offer help. People on here are friendly but be warned they wont hold back if something upsets them. You will get work, not by advertising but by referal, if your any good.

If God didn't want us to eat animals, he wouldn't have made them out of food.

Now Breaking Series 2 and Series 3 Contact me for parts.

that is a copy of a mail between my and sirus i made it aware to him of my intentions and he was happy so please be advised

i feel it is a case here of rubbing each other noses out of place so i will take the first step in offering a lets put behind use what has been said and start afresh?

Pssssssst wheres that grand you offered me as a backhander???;)

Oh bollix that was meant to be a pm:doh::doh::doh:
Si,dont fall for that load of old claptrap of irishrover,it cost me a bloody fortune when irish came over to my local,he nearly drunk the place dry and never put his hand in his pocket once,oh sorry he did once but that was just to adjust his knackers.his knackers got that jumbled up in case he had to buy me a pint.:D:D:D:p;).evening irish.;)
So it is not worth trying to setup a T4 to work on older RRC and Discovery 1? Is Faultmate the only option? I mainly want to troubleshoot Airbag, ABS, and Engine. I want to be able to access data.
I was recently given a T4 trolley system, its now repaired and with the help of the garage who gave it me i have confirmed that its working but not with my cables!
I have a unlabelled port1 extension lead and a dtc0061.

Using either of my cables on their system didnt work.

So does anyone have the schmatics of the J1962 cables and the port1 extension?

Many thanks
the company that had the T4 should have access to online support and should be able to find out. When yu do know - wud love to have a copy of the specn.
They dont have a support contract anymore, thats why they gave it to me!

At the start of this thread BBS Guy said he could supply schmatics for any lead so i'm hoping he will be along soon, the cables seem simple enough, they use loops on pins for identification and some have a 47ohm inline resistor on the K line.
The cables i have are not compatible with the T4, the trolley also has the TIM unit for Microcheck and im thinking thats what they are for.
so i'm hoping he will be along soon
I only wish some others on here felt the same :doh:
After recent comments, i do have to say I desire to currently keep quite a low profile and sadly am finding myself currently spending less time on this board than i could.

At the start of this thread BBS Guy said he could supply schmatics for any lead

I did say "could" and not "would". ;)

My comment and point at the time being directed to Matt in that even if you had all the info to make the leads, that would still not help him make a T4 system with what he had. I also indicated to MHM that having the diagrams would not help, even if i freely provided them, as all the connectors were no longer availiable and required custom physical connections to now out lawed PG type threads for strain relief.

We did set up to produce these leads and i made a massive investment in time, money, tooling and parts to do so. And as stated, i even developed a special all in one leadmate box.

However at that time, the entire project proved financially un viable, even although we did produce and sell a few leads. As a result, everything got canned and archived.

If something changes in the market to make it now viable, i would possibly consider resurrecting the project, but i would certainly not do so just to give away such a valuable part of the information we worked so very hard to obtain for free. Sorry if that seems uncharitable and all.

What i can and will tell you is that your last published understanding of the leads wiring seems quite wrong to me in some aspects.
Pins 3 and 5 should never have any resistance between them and their respectively connected OBDII socket pins.
The leads do not use jumpers for identification but for VCSI (brick) configuration. Identification is done by resistance which is very iffy in practice due to temperature variance.

I hope this helps some



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