I asked just in case there are any that link up with, or make a short cut to lanes that we will be driving.
Humer me I've not done any green laning yet.
Any lanes you choose to drive other than the ones with clues on are up to you and at your risk. There are a number of permanent TROs in the area, but to be fair those lanes will probably be gated and signed. There are also some lanes I would not recommend driving because they are already torn up and in a mess, so more traffic will move them closer to being closure candidates.

I wouldn't expect people to be travelling in a convoy, it's a scatter after all - but if you do venture into a lane on your own and get stuck, there is no recovery team... it would be over to LZIR to ask for help, and then you would be at the mercy of them for the amusement and entertainment of LZers everywhere :D :D :D

There are a couple of comments in the notes about other lanes in the area, but as I say, you are always driving at your own risk...
If we have got CB's then it might be a good call, but knowing Sniffs - none of the proposed lanes will be a problem on your own.

As he said - if you do your own thing tho..........:rolly:
Just ordered a new rad hoping it will arrive fri/sat and get it done on sat. What time we starting Sniffs and a meet point? :)
Ahh fair enough,
Let me know if you need a hand with anything will be appy to help. Our rebuild of a td5 90 has come to a hault for now.. :rolleyes:
Ahh fair enough,
Let me know if you need a hand with anything will be appy to help. Our rebuild of a td5 90 has come to a hault for now.. :rolleyes:

yeah i might need as much help as I can get - it looks frightening at the mo.

no wings front or rear. no inner wing on n/s.
no doors
ns bulkhead removed into body mount.
no sills or ns floor

thats for starters :eek:.
Any lanes you choose to drive other than the ones with clues on are up to you and at your risk. There are a number of permanent TROs in the area, but to be fair those lanes will probably be gated and signed. There are also some lanes I would not recommend driving because they are already torn up and in a mess, so more traffic will move them closer to being closure candidates.

I wouldn't expect people to be travelling in a convoy, it's a scatter after all - but if you do venture into a lane on your own and get stuck, there is no recovery team... it would be over to LZIR to ask for help, and then you would be at the mercy of them for the amusement and entertainment of LZers everywhere :D :D :D

There are a couple of comments in the notes about other lanes in the area, but as I say, you are always driving at your own risk...

Thanks for the clarification.

I'll be sure not to venture off on unknown (to me) lanes.

Got my new seat base fitted yesterday so she's ready to go.
yeah i might need as much help as I can get - it looks frightening at the mo.

no wings front or rear. no inner wing on n/s.
no doors
ns bulkhead removed into body mount.
no sills or ns floor

thats for starters :eek:.

Hahaa sounds good ;)
Get that done in a few weekends!
Just don't let me near a welder bad things happen lol. Fully trained at putting kettle on so should be fine..
Measure twice cut once, measure twice weld once. Or don't measure, hope for the best and then end up cutting it apart lol.. Doh*!

Just ordered a new rad hoping it will arrive fri/sat and get it done on sat. What time we starting Sniffs and a meet point? :)

Start is lunchtime-ish (1-2). I'll PM the meet point on Friday, Farnham way, need to check everything out on Friday.

Pub seems to have gone "dark" - not answering the phone - either so might need to find an alternative :mad:
Thanks for the clarification.

I'll be sure not to venture off on unknown (to me) lanes.

Got my new seat base fitted yesterday so she's ready to go.
No probs. Laning is always a bit of an adventure :) just don't want it to be too much of one. There are lanes about the area, and you can always walk them to explore. As Daft sez, none of the lanes with the clues are a problem for a single vehicle...unless I phone LZIR on Friday stuck down one of them!! :eek: :eek:

While I think about it, I'll only be PM-ing the start point to people who are on the sign-up sheet (see the OP), so if you are going to come, get your name down!
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Looks like we might be in for a lovely day weather wise :frown: never mind might make it more interesting ,first time laneing and road tyres still looking forward to some fun .
PM sent.

Could whoever invited the guest Isuzu please make sure they have the start details?

The lanes were all OK today, a number were sratchy, but some less so. I will update the answer sheets with the details.

Looking forward to meeting you all tomorrow!! :D
Looking forward to it should be somthing different from the normal flat out offroading hahaa. Ps if anyones interested there's a pay & play weekend at slab common bordon Sunday/Monday!!!! Should be good!

Just curious Sniffs, Do you have a rough figure of miles we covering tomorrow?
Really looking forward to this, should be a good day out and a nice intro to the green stuff.

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