Maps: The clues are all provided as OS map references so you will need a couple of maps. Landranger 185 and 186 or Explorer 144/145. If you don't have these maps let me know by PM before the 23rd cos I'll need to sort out road atlas level descriptions which will not be anything like as precise... I suggest you get the maps, cos they show all the local lanes anyway. :p :p

I have a spare Landranger 186 that someone can borrow for the trip, but I will need it back even if it is a bit tatty :eek:

Also, just a quick search on Fleabay and there are several Explorer OS 144 & 145 for sale at various prices but most promising delivery mid week, so plenty of time to buy one ;) but don't get your Landranger Explorer numbers mixed up or you could end up looking at a combination of Essex or various parts of Wales. :rolleyes:

Do we need to give final numbers as I'm not sure how many, passengers I will have with me?

I'll have a spare seat if a nice young lass happens to want to join the hunt haha! :cool: :p
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I ordered a new sprung seat base yesterday, so hopefully while bouncing around the lanes my knees wont be stuck together tighter than a nuns.
Do we need to give final numbers as I'm not sure how many, passengers I will have with me?


Numbers don't need to be precise. I will call the pub during the week just to make them aware of the rough numbers.

I will bring along spare maps when I find them... and I will also include GPS co-ordinates if I can so even if you're unable to get the maps you should be able to get to the area to search!

** Schoolboy Error Alert ** Two of the clues are off the bottom of the maps and are actually on Explorer 133. I will ensure that I have sufficient information available for you to get to this very well known site without having to buy another map! If you have an explorer 133, bring it along, otherwise I will provide clear instructions...
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my navigator says yes:banana: and he is borrowing some maps, if not it will be my old 27year old maps , hope the cars running ok its still got time to throw a wobbler. ive put my name down looking forward to some fun, see you there.
Gutted I can't make it but please please do another one sometime soon sniffs :)

Enjoy mrs sniffs cake!! Jealous...!
Still have a spare seat emma if that's why ya can't, hoping you get it back soon!! Ah better sharpen up on my map reading hahaaa ohh god.. ;)
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Thank you, this week and weekend will be 90 hunting, coming to terms now that mines not coming back but if she does then woohoo if not then I've got to get around some how and I don't think a little run around will cope well with laning!!!
Who knows I might be REALLY lucky and either get my girl back or have another by the weekend and if there's space I could come along!
my navigator says yes:banana: and he is borrowing some maps, if not it will be my old 27year old maps , hope the cars running ok its still got time to throw a wobbler. ive put my name down looking forward to some fun, see you there.

Great news, I can off load some ballast now.

I'll follow you there and back so you don't get hungry :D

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